Monday, December 31, 2012
Water Harvest Review
Author: Eric Diehl
Genre: Sci-fi/ fantasy
Pages: 420
The Blurb: The Great Houses of Kast'ar have grown complacent. Technological adaptation bolsters a fragile biosphere, but one quandary remains unattended. Lunar-based harvest vessels orbit continuously, extracting their toll of moisture from the upper atmosphere.
Over time, the planet dries.
Now the Rules are caught unawares when a lunar enclave launches an invasion intended to seize control of the Harvest. House Alar, the greatest of the bloodline Keeps, falls before the predatory warlord. The invader's technology is strong and they are aided by the Guild; wizard-like practitioners whose hallucinogen-induced evocations bend fate to their will.
It falls to Cairn, Legion pilot and displaced heir to Alar, to persuade the House Alliance to intercede. His father and his love Neilai are held hostage, and a battered Cairn is dispatched to carry the vile interloper's edict. With few resources at hand, Cairn and boisterous comrade Dirc Cutter are thrust into a changed world. The Alliance falters and Cairn, son of House Alar, learns how little he knows of his home world.
My Review: Over time my willingness to read this book died. As much as I wanted to get into the story I could not. Water Harvest was a very wordy book. It was also confusing as to which character was speaking I often was flipping pages to find out which person was talking. There were far to many characters for me to keep up with and not enough detail on the main characters of the story. I found it difficult to keep reading but I did finally make it to the end.
For you sci-fi fanatics this maybe right up your alley however, for me just not my cup of tea.
Path to Vengence Review
Author: WH Cann
Genre: Sci-fi/ Fantasy
Pages: 342
The Blurb:When his brother, father and fiancée are killed by Krelathan raiders, Grogaan’s life is ripped apart, causing grief, anger and rage. He vows his revenge and sets about on his ‘path to vengeance’ by purchasing and upgrading four starfighters for him and his friends.
As a result of his intense emotional trauma brought on by his losses, he experiences troubling and disturbing dreams, leading to bouts of severe depression.
Feeling guilty over the loss of his loved ones, especially his fiancée, Grogaan avoids romantic involvement until Joeen, his brother’s former fiancée re-enters his life, causing him more emotional turmoil. This is further compounded by an unexpected encounter with Ellarna, a Senator's daughter, who he is besotted with.
A chance meeting with members of a long forgotten sect, ‘The Brotherhood of the Teragon Eagle’, on a nearby planet, together with information revealed to him by his mother, prove Grogaan’s unique abilities are due to his family heritage; an ancestor having been a respected wizard and a member of the Guardian Order.
Grogaan and his friends prove their piloting skills and spearhead the counter offensive against the Krelathan raiders. However, it’s his abilities enhanced by his gift of magic that take him and his friends on a path that impacts on the future of the galaxy as foretold by a two hundred year old prophecy; a path he begins to tread while developing a powerful relationship with one of the two women.
My Review: As I began reading this book I had a distinct feeling of being in the middle of a Star Trek scene where only engineering was involved. Mr. Cann goes into grave detail about everything in his book Path to Vengeance leaving my head spinning with to much detail. I can't seem to keep all the information inside my head as it feels completely full and that's only a third of the way through the book however, I read on in hopes that it will lead up to something more exciting for me but alas it never does.
I would like to say that Path to Vengeance is not a bad book it just was not my cup of tea. I do encourage those who like this genre to read it for yourselves.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Shadow Watcher Review
Author: Ashlyn Mathews
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 167
The Blurb:
Sophie Sinclair was presumed dead. When an enemy’s transmitter reveals her existence, she must return home to bargain for her ex-lover’s life and face the unanswered questions from her past.
Ryan Campbell is a reluctant fighter. Bitter since his father’s murder, he wants nothing to do with the paranormal world. When his act of betrayal is discovered, he must do the unthinkable to save his life.
Duty above love, duty above family, and to protect the weak from the strong. Sophie has always lived by her family’s motto. Will she choose to protect the ex-lover from her past or the reluctant fighter who could be her future? She can save only one man.
Sensuality Level: Sensual
My Review: Shadow Watcher is a definite kick ass book literally! I was amazed by the amount of action in this book. It has the feel of Die Hard and Buffy the Vampire Slayer all rolled into one making it one heck of a story.
Sophie is an amazing character she doesn't take crap from anyone or anything. Ryan is just as determined and stubborn as Sophie but when the two of them come together it's like watching a fireworks display on the Forth of July! I cheered them on as well as screamed and yelled at these two. The way Sophie and Ryan come together in this story is just wow! Passion ignites and takes off like a speeding bullet that hits it's mark.
I truly liked the book and found myself wishing for more of the story. Shadow Watcher is a wonderful romance with just enough of the paranormal to entertain the true paranormal geek like myself.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Allusive Aftershock Release Party
Title: Allusive Aftershock
By: Susan Griscom
Genre: Young Adult Romance
Published by: Amber Glow Books
Release date: December 23, 2012
What happens when a major earthquake changes life as you know it and the boy you thought you hated ends up saving you? Three times!
Courtland Reese is the guy everyone hates and makes fun of because … well, he is weird. He communicates with animals. Strange or interesting, seventeen-year-old Adela Castielle can’t quite figure out, but when he saves her from being trampled by her own horse, she begins to understand him a little better and wants to learn more about him.
But, Max--her best friend/dream guy/someday-to-be-her-husband-only-he-doesn’t-know-it-yet--hates Courtland with a passion. Adela wants to know why, except neither boy is talking.
When Max leaves her stranded in his parents' wine cave with his worst enemy, Courtland, after what the experts are calling a “megathrust” earthquake, Adela starts to question her loyalty to Max as steamy kisses in a dark damp cellar only fuel her emotions with more conflict.
But does she really have time to worry about that when fire, destruction and mayhem surround her?
Allusive Aftershock is a story about a major earthquake and contains situations involving death and destruction. It is highly emotional and there is some mild sexual content because, it is after all, a romance.
A note from Susan:
My friends and family know me as Susan Griscom, but I write the Whisper Cape series under the name of Regan Walsh. Visit my blog:
I daydream often and sometimes my daydreams interrupt my daydreams. So I write to remember them. If I didn't write, I think my mind would explode from an overload of fantasy and weirdness. To the annoyance of my friends and family, my characters sometimes become a part of my world. During my childhood, I would frequently get in trouble in school for daydreaming. Eventually, my vivid imagination paid off and I had the privilege of writing and co-directing my sixth-grade class play—a dreadful disaster, though not from my writing, of course, I must blame it on the acting.
I enjoy writing about characters living in small quaint towns and tend to lean toward the unusual and spooky.
My paranormal playing field delves into a different milieu, abandoning vampires and werewolves, but not discounting them. Someday I might like to write a novel about vamps and those furry creatures. But for now I like the bizarre mixed with romance. A strong hero or heroine confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers and capabilities gets my blood running hot.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Touching Eternity
Author: Airicka Phoenix
Publisher: Self-Published
Release date: December 25, 2012
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance Drama (18+)
Warnings: Angst, drama, torture, suicide, abuse (mental, emotional, physical, sexual, substance (unwilling)) all are implied, not graphic.
Formats: ebook, paperback
Other Novels: ~ Touching Smoke (Touch Series, book 1) ~ Whispered Beginnings: A Clever Fiction Anthology ~ Midnight Surrender Anthology
Book Trailer: Touching Eternity Trailer Social Networks: ~ Facebook ~ Facebook Author Page ~ Twitter (@AirickaPhoenix) ~ Goodreads
Author Site: Airicka Phoenix Website
Buying Locations: Links to come December 25, 2012 Blurb: TOUCHING ETERNITY What would you choose? She had everything but freedom. He had nothing but his loyalty, his wits and his training. She was a prisoner, a disease, not fit for the world, and she didn't know why. But she did know she wasn't allowed to die, she wasn't allowed to live and she wasn’t sane. He was a soldier, a protector, but his foundation will be tested when he must destroy the only light in his dark world. Thrown together, prisoner and keeper, their rebellion will splinter through time, changing the course of history and the fate of the world. Their love will challenge their greatest enemy and immortalize them forever. Loyalty. Freedom. Love. What would you risk? "Let me die." Pain darkened his eyes. "Never." The Book Trailer Link: The Book Button:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Touching Eternity"><img src="" alt="Touching Eternity" style="border:none;" /></a></div>The Book Banner:

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Author Bio: Airicka Phoenix is the author of TOUCHING SMOKE (Touch Book #1), TOUCHING ETERNITY (Touch 1.5), TORRID, a short story as part of the Whispered Beginnings: A Clever Fiction Anthology and WANTING & INTENTIONS, two stories as part of the Midnight Surrender Anthology. When she's not hammering away at the keyboard, she can be found banishing pirates or crawling through the attic looking for lost treasure with her kids. She loves baking, gardening and reading. She also likes to travel and take pictures of everything she comes across. When asked, Airicka describes herself as a sarcastic basket case that has an unhealthy addiction to chocolate, old movies and really bad jokes. She loves to laugh, make friends and write. If she could have one wish granted, it would be to spend one day as a fly-on-the-wall inside Stephen King's mind. If she could have two wishes granted, she would ask for a castle dedicated entirely to her overwhelming collection of books.
Twitter:!/AirickaPhoenix (@AirickaPhoenix)
Facebook Author Page:
Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Followers Review
Author: Evan Bollinger
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 74
The Blurb:
The mind bending has just begun. And what follows will change the boy and his family forever. For the Multiverse has found a friend; the beings of the black beyond are calling.
My Review: My initial reaction to this book was total confusion. So then I went back and read the book again only to gain a bit more understanding. The Followers for me was like being in a drug induced fog. It honestly gave me a headache try to make sense of it and that is when it hit me I was trying to make the story logical. There is no logic to The Followers it just is. Once I was able to take the logic out and just sit back and read I found that I did enjoy the story. It is definitely one heck of a ride that is for sure. It almost made me feel as though I was in a Twilight Zone episode.
Evan Bollinger did a nice job of taking you on a trip through an alternate dimension of sorts. I am glad I did give the book a second chance. If your interested in a trip in to a fantasy dimension I recommend picking up Evan's book!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Gifts aren't only from Santa
The Gifts Aren't Only From Santa crew are gearing up for two days of FREE and discounted for charity!
That's right. December 14th and December 15th, treat yourself to a buffet of ebook joy by visiting Amazon and downloading FREE ebooks or heavily discounted ebooks where 100% of the proceeds go towards charity. How cool is that to be a giver and a receiver all at one time?!?!
On top of that, there's a fun Facebook event scheduled for December 14th with cool games and prizes to win. Go FACEBOOK EVENT for details.
Want to get a heads up on the great novels coming up for FREE or discounted? Go LISTMANIA to peruse the titles. Just make sure you don't drool on the keyboard. You'll need it for the December 14th Facebook fun.
"What if I don't have a kindle?" you ask. Well, that isn't a problem. Got a smartphone (android, blackberry, iPhone), computer (Mac or Windows-based), or a tablet (iPad or android tablet), then you can download a FREE kindle app and take advantage of these great titles being made available to you.
Don't forget to enter to win some great prizes in the RAFFLECOPTER as well. Yeah, we're just loving the giving spirit! Make sure to share this with everyone so no one misses out on the fun, prizes and free ebooks galore!
Pyramid of The Moon Review
Author: Teresa Smith
Genre: YA Fantasy
Pages: 235
The Blurb: We all have a darker side.
Her ancestors were hungry for ultimate power, and now, she and her friends must pay for that greed.
Can you imagine feeling as if you don't belong in your own body? Life is hard when you don't know who you truly are, or what sort of evil you are capable of.
Who can she trust, and who will end up betraying her? At the end of her journey, will she hold on to her soul mate, or lose him, as she loses herself?
Follow Eva and her friends on their incredible journey to self-discovery, and true love.
My Review: What an amazing story! From beginning to end Pyramid of the Moon takes you on an incredible journey. The characters just as exciting, from the moment you meet Eva you know right away that she is no ordinary teenage girl no matter how hard she tries. I became so captivated by her that felt her power and her struggles. I felt as though I was in her shadow through out the story.
As much as I would love to go over every detail of this book I can not. I won't spoil it for any who have not read it yet. I will tell you that this is one book that I recommend if you are even slightly interested in YA Fantasy. Pyramid of the Moon is everything it promises and more. I am so taken in by the power it possess that I have read it twice just to make sure I caught every detail, that and I am desperate for the next in the series.
My praises go out to Teresa Smith as she has written a very powerful book here. So if You want to get caught up in some ancient power and a little romance I highly recommend you go pick up a copy and soon!
Working on a degree in Business Management, she couldn’t turn off the urge to write stories and it became her main focus.
She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, three daughters and golden retriever.
You can comment and like this trilogy on her Facebook author’s page at sun and moon trilogy.
It is also listed on Goodreads under Pyramid of the Moon.
Amber’s Supernatural & YA Reviews
I Read Indie
December 6
Love YA Books Forever
December 8
The Cover (and Everything in Between…)
December 10
Book Crazy
December 14
Tammy's Tea Time
December 16
Books, Brownies and Barkers
December 18
R&M Fab Book Reviews
Monday, December 10, 2012
Angel's Gate Review
Author: Andrew J. Rafkin
Genre: Crime Fiction
Pages: 336
The Blurb: THE LARGEST HEIST IN HISTORY~NEVER TOLD! In 1983 the rapidly growing city of LA and beachfront communities were active in the illicit drug trade, successfully operating through Angels Gate Lighthouse, and LAX, the gate to the City of Angels. This true story is a recounting of the largest monetary heist in history, carried out by four local surfers, and August Taracina, a successful marijuana smuggler. The heist proceeds with only minor hitches...until the bags of loot are opened. Much to the thieves' chagrin, there is no cash, no gold~5nothing but financial instruments that cannot be cashed. While still in command of one of the largest marijuana smuggling operation on the west coast, August begins a whirlwind, worldwide tour with his connections to organized crime, the Medellin Cartel, and international bankers, as he attempts to fence the items. Other gangs, along with their treachery and murder pursue him, as well as FBI agent Nick Cutler and his team, the Treasury Department, and Interpol. During this maelstorm, August devises an incredible plan to satisfy everyone's interest and fulfill their dreams. Now, all he has to do is make it happen.
My Review: If any one would have told me when I started reading Angels Gate that I would end up rooting for the "bad guys" in this story I would have laughed. That is exactly what I did, I found myself wanting them to get away with it. I thought Angels Gate was an amazing book. I felt like I was right in the middle of all the action. My eyes hung on every word from page to page. This book was fast paced action packed goodness! I honestly was surprised by how much I truly enjoyed reading it. Angels Gate is one book that I am truly glad to have added to my library.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Dazzle Blog Tour

Sixteen-year-old Delaney Scott possesses a special gift. Ever since she was a child she has known about her calling and the duty she’s expected to fulfill. However, all Delaney wants is to be normal. That’s why she is drawn to Sam. He can offer her t
Meet Amber Gaza! Amber Garza lives in California with her amazing husband, and two hilarious children who provide her with enough material to keep her writing for years. She writes young adult thrillers.
Dazzle Review

Author: Amber Garza
Genre: YA/Fantasy
Pages: 355
The Blurb: Sixteen-year-old Delaney Scott possesses a special gift. Ever since she was a child she has known about her calling and the duty she’s expected to fulfill. However, all Delaney wants is to be normal. That’s why she is drawn to Sam. He can offer her the life she’s always desired. Only Sam has secrets of his own. Secrets that are deadly. Secrets that can change everything.
My Review: Dazzle is one book that took me by complete surprise. I was completely taken over by this story. I immediately started having reactions to the characters: Delaney is so strong willed and independent; then there is Micah, who comes off as kind of jerk. But I get where he is coming from as he just wants to protect Delaney and everyone else that he loves. Sam, well he was the character you love to hate, yet I discovered I had a soft spot for the guy. The story itself is just amazing; I could not put this book down. As I sat reading Dazzle, the story just came alive for me as if I had been transported into it. I can honestly say that Amber Garza has a way with words as she totally swept me up into the story. I am an avid reader and often find myself lost in a book as I travel its pages, and Dazzle is one book that I would gladly get lost in again and again. I am eagerly awaiting book two in this series!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
From Man to Man Review
Author: D.E.M. Emrys
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 39
The Blurb: ‘I’ve traded my old enemies for just this one…’ The axe thundered home. ‘I miss the old ones.’
Every man has a past, none more so than Draven Reinhardt. Abandoning his old life to settle down as a villager, he struggles to fit in, let alone hold down a job. When opportunity offers the much needed coin, Draven is torn between a promise and a purpose.
But, what’s one last job if you’ve already got blood on your hands?
‘From Man to Man’ is the story of how one man can change – or not – for the best. Prequel to the upcoming novel ‘It Began With Ashes’, the short (6400 words) introduces the reader to a world of suspense, intrigue, and action.
Exclusive preview chapter from ‘It Began With Ashes’.
My Review: I have to be honest I was very confused throughout most of the story as to what exactly was going on with it. From Man to Man was just not my cup of tea. I could not wrap my mind around it as the talk seemed more old west and yet the story seemed to be set of mid-evil era. I had really hoped to enjoy this book more than I did.