Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tammy's Tea Time : Worlds Collide Blitz

Tammy's Tea Time : Worlds Collide Blitz: Click Here to read it for 99 Pennies! Blurb: Can Natalie get past her abusive ex-fiance and find true love with an alien? Natalie i...

Tammy's Tea Time : Punishing Miss Primrose Boxed Set Blitz

Tammy's Tea Time : Punishing Miss Primrose Boxed Set Blitz: Click Here to read it for FREE! Blurb: Indulge your inner wanton… Miss Primrose needs to be punished . A member of the wickedly...

Worlds Collide Blitz


Click Here to read it for 99 Pennies!


Can Natalie get past her abusive ex-fiance and find true love with an alien? Natalie is on a journey to realize that maybe being abducted wasn't so bad after all. Before she can learn that, she will realize what her old fiancé was really like, and how her new life might be just what she wanted all along. And maybe she can even find a way to help the human slaves aboard her ship. Zelan wanted to settle down, but as a pure-blood, he realized his chances of love with a human, or anyone, were very low. He is very patient with Natalie, and shows her the love and attention every woman deserves. Will he win her heart? The Zateelians (Insectoids) are on the planet and searching for humans! Early on in this book you will find out why. But don't fret! Our super strong and hunky aliens have it all under control, or do they? If you like a clean version of Ruby Lionsdrake adventure/romance books, then you will love Worlds Away and Worlds Collide, part of the Alpha Alien abduction Tales. Be sure to grab your copies of all books today!

Read Excerpt One...

“Natalie, you are with me today. We need to scour the back section of the ship for supplies while we wait for the Star Prime to arrive.” Zelan pointed to me as I sat in the cramped corner of the room I had been staying in since the crash. Those of us who were too stupid to get away once the ship crashed had all been corralled and brought to the front of the ship. We were all split up into different rooms and sections. Some even had to sleep in the corridor. I didn’t know many of the women in this section because most of them had been in the other room of abductees. The aliens called that room Beta, and ours was called Alpha. They were so original with their names. However, I was making friends. I missed Paris and Sheila, two of the women I met after being abducted by the huge, alpha aliens. They had become my friends. Zelan told me Paris was really busy with her assignment as a medic. I didn’t know she had a medical background. I had thought she was homeless. Maybe living on the streets gave heru a quick medical background? “Where are we going today? And please tell me you guys have killed all of those giant insects. I don’t think I can take another one touching me, even if you do kill it. That stuff they discharge when you kill them takes forever to come out and stinks something awful!” Yesterday, when we were out scavenging the ship, we came across three insectoids inside our ship who were ravaging our supplies. They were stuffing their backpack shaped bags with medical supplies as well as with our food bars. I thought that their ship must have taken a lot of damage for them to come over here during the day. Zelan thought they had been here all night and were waiting for the sun to set before setting off back to their ship. The mutant insectoids, the Zateelians, who invaded our ship after shooting it down from space, didn’t like the sunlight. They could stand to be outside for a little while, but not too long. It is thought that the sun hurts their eyes. The rest of their body seems to be very strong. I know this because it took three shots from Zelan to kill one of them who had me pinned down on the ground. It slathered some goo on me, into my face to be precise, and then was backing away. My guess is it knew that the next shot was going to kill it, and it did. This then put more of that slime on my body. I couldn’t win, even when they died. After that, we went straight to the med-bay where the doctor examined me and proclaimed me clean. What was that all about? I was covered in that disgusting, viscous discharge the bug left all over the top half of my body. I was NOT clean. However, everyone around me seemed to breathe out at once, like they had all been holding their breath. I needed a twenty-minute shower to get all of that slime off but was only given ten minutes. I swear my hair still smells of mutant cockroach slime. Today should have been about me resting and recovering, I still had a bump on my head from when that creature attacked me and caused me to fall back to the hard ground. I couldn’t sleep all night thinking about the creature that almost ate me. Now Zelan wants me to go back out with him again? Is he crazy?

Excerpt Two...

“Great! Out of one jail cell and into another. Natalie, I thought that we were done with that? Why can’t the Commander let us stay in rooms instead of forcing us in here?” Betsy asked me as we were herded like cattle into our new “accommodations,” as the new captain called them. Accommodations. Yeah right! The Star Prime arrived today. We had been sent over to the other ship. While it was damaged in the space battle with the Zateelians, it made its way to the planet mostly unscathed. It was in much better shape than our ship. So it was decided that we all needed to head over there. Betsy had wrapped her arms around her middle section, and I could see she was holding back tears. We had spent the past couple of days on Commander Venay’s ship and helped them to round up supplies and even take care of the wounded. Paris was really in her element acting as a medic on the bridge with the Commander watching her every move. We deserved better treatment than this. “Betsy, I don’t know. Maybe we can ask Paris when we see her next. If things go back to the way they were, then I bet she will bring us our meals again.” I tried to offer her a smile, but I don’t think it came out very well. “Natalie, these cells are even smaller than the other ones. How are we going to spend 5 months cooped up here while we wait for our abductors to bring in a new ship?” "I wish I knew." I huffed out and looked up to the ceiling. My right hand automatically made its way to my forehead while my left one tried to rest on my hip. This was what I did whenever I was nervous or stressed out. We were so tightly squished in here that my elbow hit someone else on their back, "Sorry about that." So I dropped my arms to my sides in silent misery. The new, male warriors served our evening meal. I didn’t recognize any of them from my time on Commander Venay’s ship. It was that stupid, chalky, jello garbage that we had when we were first abducted. “Hey, why are you feeding us this garbage? Where is Paris? She used to bring us Earth food.” I asked one of the new warriors on guard duty. "This is standard fare for slaves. Be happy that you are getting anything at all," he stated with zero emotion in his voice. He sounded more like an android than a person. But then again, this was a regular soldier who was accustomed to fighting and picking out slaves. Not one of the slave trade warriors who made regular trips to Earth, and were comfortable with us. Over the past week, we had started to make quasi-friendships with a few of the warriors who guarded us on a regular basis. Somehow, I doubted these new guys would become our friends. “Can I ask where Paris is?” “She is spending time with the Commander. They are to be mated tomorrow,” Mr. Personality said. “Really? Already? Isn’t it a bit soon?” My jaw dropped as my hands flew in the air and bounced down on my thighs, hitting someone in the process. I mumbled an apology, but she didn’t even register I’d hit her. “No, it is not. If this is what they want, then now is the perfect time. Our Captain can take good care of this ship without the Commander.” “Oh, I see how it is. You don’t like the Commander, do you?” I eyed him up and down as he squirmed before answering me. “There is nothing wrong with the Commander. I just do not know him. But it is safer for his mate to go through with the ceremony. Once that happens, no one on this ship will touch her. She will be treated like a queen. You might want to consider your options as well. Spending the next five months in these packed cells will not be pleasant.” He spun on his heels, walked over to the next cell, and ignored my requests to get a message to Paris. “Hmph, maybe Sheila or Lisa will come visit us tomorrow, Betsy.” I narrowed my eyes at that guard and decided that he was definitely not going to be the warrior I would mate with. If I ever did.

Excerpt Three...

As we moved through the jungle, I could no longer hear the birds or see any small animals. I thought about all of the scary movies I had watched growing up. The girl who gets eaten by a monster, or killed by the crazy guy, always noticed how quiet it was before the psycho monster attacked. I kept alert looking around us as we moved very slowly towards the area Lorlo kept gesturing toward. Thankfully, I was mostly in the middle of the group, and Zelan was next to me as he promised. I heard some rustling up ahead as I lost sight of those in the lead. Then I heard a phaser gun go off. In fact, I heard several phasers fire. My eyes grew wide, and I was about to scream when Zelan pushed me down on the damp earth. I turned my head toward the sound of the fighting and noticed that other warriors had tackled some of our women. My heart was beating out of my chest. Why were the warriors laying on top of the girls with their weapons drawn? What was going on in front of us? I tried to count how many were still in our party, but I couldn’t turn my head far enough to see those behind me. I watched as Lorlo came back and looked at everyone lying down, “Zelan, I need to show you something. The rest of you might want to back off a little.” He turned around to go back to where he came from, and Zelan jumped up and started to walk away. “Hey, I thought you weren’t going to leave my side the entire time? You can’t leave me here while there are still who knows how many bugs out there that might attack.” I started to walk after him, but he turned around. “Natalie, you are right. Be careful and stay close.” He put out an arm for me to grab, and when I did, we walked towards Lorlo. As soon as we caught up to Lorlo and the other warriors, I almost puked. I wished that I would have stayed back where I was. Down on the ground were two women who had their heads blown off. But that wasn’t the worst part. Inside their brains were small cockroaches! They were covered in them. I turned around and started to gag, and Zelan put his hand on my back. “Shh, it’s alright. Natalie, there was nothing we could have done for them. Trust me when I say it is better that we killed them now.” “What happened? Why did they have so many cockroaches on them? And what do you mean it’s better you killed them now? Haven’t they been dead a long time? How else did all those bugs get on them?” I blurted out as I tried to clean off my face.

Meet The Author...


J.L. Hendricks is a new, independent author. The Interdimensional Saga series is her first one and she is very excited to share Book 1, Eclipse of the Warrior. Her latest series which just came out last this month is a PG-13 version of the hot Alien Sci-Fi Romance genre! She thought it might be fun to write in that world while still keeping it mostly clean for everyone to read. Book 2, Worlds Collide was just released and is looking to be her best launch to date! She is very proud to have served in the US Army before she went to college. She decided to finally write, and finish a book, this year because of a few friends who encouraged her to do so. She hopes her stories entertain you and can bring a laugh on occasion. Actually, it was her roommate's cat who talked her into staying at home to be her minion all day long! Pyper truly believes that J.L. is here to serve her alone, and to feed her whenever she graces J.L. with her presence. Follow me on FaceBook: Or join my blog at:

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Punishing Miss Primrose Boxed Set Blitz


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Indulge your inner wanton… Miss Primrose needs to be punished. A member of the wickedly wanton Inn of the Red Chrysanthemum, where the most taboo and illicit pleasures are indulged, Miss Primrose—or Mistress Primrose, as she prefers—left Nicholas Edelton a shell of a man. Now his older brother, Spencer Edelton, the Marquess of Carey, intends to provide her a set-down she will never forget. Weary from exacting her revenge upon the man who raped her sister, Beatrice Primrose has had her fill of men of privilege and presumption, but she accepts a fateful invitation from a handsome nobleman to spend a sennight at his estate for a grand sum of money. She soon learns, however, that she will not get to reprise her role as Mistress. To her horror, she finds his lordship expects her to submit to him! But Beatrice won’t give in so easily. In a clash of wills, fueled by vengeance and lust, Lord Carey and Miss Primrose wrestle for dominance in, and out of, the bedchamber. Their biggest struggle, however, may be against their own desires… Can Miss Primrose take what she dishes? And will Lord Carey succumb or succeed in punishing Miss Primrose? READER ADVISORY: Punishing Miss Primrose is an erotic regency-set historical romance with BDSM elements and themes of submission and dominance. It is written as a serial of short stories, which can be purchased individually or in bundled sets. For more wickedly wanton tales, visit Themes/Elements in this series include erotica, BDSM, domination and submission, bondage, discipline, 19th century Regency historical, a strong heroine, revenge and romance.

Read An Excerpts...

“My circumstances are no affair of yours,” she said.
Hoping to place some distance between them so that she could compose her thoughts, she turned away from him, but he reached for the bookshelf beside her, blocking her path with his right arm. He was now closer to her than ever, and she detected the aroma of brandy upon him. Her pulse quickened. She had neglected to devise a strategy for her engagement with this patron, and she sensed the danger of not having done her due diligence, especially as she found herself responding in a most inconvenient fashion to his nearness.
“And if I make it my affair?” he breathed upon her.
Steeling her nerves, she turned to face him, her back pressed against the bookcase. “Surely you did not pay a hundred pounds to hear me tell a tale of woe?”

He was close enough that if he lowered his head, their lips could touch, and for a second, curious if he might prove a good lover, she wished he would kiss her. His right hand came off the bookcase and cupped the side of her face. With his thumb, he tilted her chin up. His fingers came to rest upon the nape of her neck. She became acutely aware of her vulnerability and the difference in their size and strength.

Meet The Author...

EM BROWN is an award-winning multi-published author of contemporary and historical erotic romance. She found the kinky side to her writing after reading stories at She likes to find inspiration from anywhere and everywhere, be it classical movies, porn, embarrassing high school photos, her favorite Sara Lee dessert, and the time she accidentally flashed an audience with her knickers.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Tammy's Tea Time : Red Winter Blog Tour

Tammy's Tea Time : Red Winter Blog Tour: A New Series from Amazon Best-Selling Author Annette Marie, RED WINTER is coming… “ Soon all her human fears would become meaningless...

Red Winter Blog Tour

A New Series from Amazon Best-Selling Author Annette Marie, RED WINTER is coming…

Soon all her human fears would become meaningless. Her future had been written by the kami, and her destiny awaited her.”

In the enchanting new fantasy RED WINTER by Annette Marie, Emi Kimura has been preparing her entire life to become the mortal host of a goddess. When she discovers the lies surrounding her true fate, she makes a dangerous bargain with a fox spirit to seek out the truth. As her final days as a mortal approach, she must choose whether to bow to duty ... or fight for her life.


Emi is the kamigakari. In a few short months, her life as a mortal will end and her new existence as the human host of a goddess will begin. Carefully hidden from those who would destroy her, she has prepared her mind, body, and soul to unite with the goddess—and not once has she doubted her chosen fate.
Shiro is a yokai, a spirit of the earth, an enemy of the goddess Emi will soon host. Mystery shrouds his every move and his ruby eyes shine with cunning she can’t match and dares not trust. But she saved his life, and until his debt is paid, he is hers to command—whether she wants him or not.
On the day they meet, everything Emi believes comes undone, swept away like snow upon the winter wind. For the first time, she wants to change her fate—but how can she erase a destiny already wrought in stone? Against the power of the gods, Shiro is her only hope … and hope is all she has left.
Release Date: October 21, 2016.

Order Red Winter Now:

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My Review: A heroine who stole my heart. Followed by a story beyond my own expectations. Emi is everything a heroine should be and so much more. I could not believe how this story kept calling to me. Red Winter is an amazing book. I was blown away by the flow of the story and the heart that went into it. Annette Marie has a brand new fan and I am insanely awaiting the next in the series.

Excerpt for RED WINTER (Red Winter Trilogy Book 1)
The yokai didn’t move, just held her in place with a strength she couldn’t fight. She tipped her head back to see his face, to gauge his intent. His gaze traveled across her room, intent and analyzing. Then his eyes flicked down and he appeared almost surprised to see her staring up at him. His mouth curved into a sly grin, flashing pointed canines.
His amusement at her terror sparked a tiny surge of anger. “Let me go!”
“Ah, little miko, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to run from yokai?” His deep, purring voice sent a shiver across her skin. He leaned down as his hand on her throat forced her head back. He brushed his nose along her jaw, from her chin up to her ear. “It’s the surest way to make us pounce,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.
Goose bumps raced down the back of her neck and she clenched her jaw. “Get your hands off me.”
He hummed as he pushed his face into her hair, inhaling through his nose. “But didn’t you put your hands on me first?”
“I was treating your wounds.” She summoned her most commanding tone, desperately hoping her voice wouldn’t quaver. “You’re proving that your kind’s reputation is well deserved with such disrespect and ingratitude toward the person who saved your life.”
His head came up and fear shot through her that she’d offended him, that he would surely kill her now. Instead, he made a thoughtful noise, and his hands fell away, releasing her.
She almost leaped out of his lap but remembered his comment about running from yokai. With more self-control than she’d thought she had, she carefully stood, walked four steps, and turned to face him. He stayed where he was, lounging on the bed with his feet on the floor, casually propped up on one arm. His head tilted to one side as he watched her, and that slight, knowing grin played about his lips.
She sank down to kneel on the floor, mostly because her legs were shaking so badly she was afraid he’d notice. As nonchalantly as possible, she slid her hands into the opposite sleeves of her kimono and pinched her hidden ofuda between two fingers, ready to pull the paper talismans out.
“No need for that, little miko,” he remarked, each word almost caressing her. How could he have such an otherworldly yet still human voice? “I will not harm you.”
She flushed, embarrassed she’d been so obvious, but didn’t let go of the ofuda. “What was that—that assault then?”
“Assault, you call it? That little embrace?”
“You—” She broke off with a small shake of her head. If he was determined to ignore the inappropriateness of forcefully holding a woman against him and rubbing his face on her, nothing she said would change his mind. “You have the manners of a dog.”
“What did you expect? The ritual greetings of the imperial court?”
“Some respect for the person who saved your life would have been welcome.”
“Ah, yes, you did save me, and I am very grateful.” He idly tugged at a lock of his hair as his gaze slid down her and back up again. “I am in your debt. Tell me your desire and I will fulfill it.”
“My—my desire?” she choked.
He smirked again. “A favor, little miko. I am saying I owe you a favor.”

Author Bio

Annette Marie is the author of the Amazon best-selling YA urban fantasy series Steel & Stone, which includes the 2015 Goodreads Choice Award nominee Yield the Night. Her first love is fantasy, a limitless realm of creativity where she can break all the boring rules of real life, but fast-paced urban fantasy, bold heroines, and tantalizing forbidden romances are her guilty pleasures. She proudly admits she has a thing for dragons, and her editor has inquired as to whether she intends to include them in every book
Annette lives in the frozen winter wasteland of northern Alberta, Canada (okay, it’s not quite that bad). She shares her life with her remarkably patient, comparatively sensible husband and their furry minion of darkness—sorry, cat—Caesar. When not writing, she can be found elbow-deep in one art project or another while blissfully ignoring all adult responsibilities.
To find out more about Annette and her books, visit her website at
Find Annette Marie: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

Celebrate the Release of RED WINTER with a Giveaway!
Grand Prize: 1 Winner will Receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card
Runner-Ups: 3 Winners will Each Receive one $10 Amazon Gift Card Each

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Review of Payton's Pursuit

Title: Payton's Pursuit
Author: Joanne Jaytaine
Genre: Mystery/Paranormal/Romance

Blurb:  Payton Winters is thrust into the position of CEO of The Winters Corporation after the sudden death of her parents. Confronted with the knowledge she was born with special abilities, she finds herself in the dilemma of being a grounding force to people who possess psychic powers. She has unwillingly become the mental anchor to the one man she wants no part of, Collin McBain. While on a routine mission, Collin is drugged, tortured, and injected with wolf DNA. Now believed dead, he is secretly assigned to the Winters Campus. 

Faced with the reality that her life is based on half-truths, Payton is on a pursuit to uncover her mother’s scientific research. She desperately needs to understand why she and her two sisters were genetically altered before birth. Payton’s path to discovery is littered with danger as she finds herself embroiled in a world of secrets, lies, kidnapping, and murder. She struggles to understand the events of the past in order to cope with her future. Will Payton’s pursuit for the truth be her last?
My Review:
The second book of The Winter's Sisters Series is Payton's Persuit and it left me absolutely speechless! I loved it! This series has me completely compelled to know what the next book holds. Joanne Jaytaine you have me in the palm of your hands pleading for more. Pick up this series you won't be sorry!

Chasing Victory Review

Title: Chasing Victory
Author: Joanne Jaytaine
Genre: Mystery/Paranormal/ Romance

Blurb:  Everybody’s chasing Victory: a power-hungry scientist, a corrupt conglomerate, and her own government. 

Victory Winters is on the run. A world-renowned geneticist, her mission involves conquering disease and improving quality of life. But a co-worker has been murdered, putting Victory and her mission in danger. Chasing her are all sorts of men who want to recruit and control her, manipulating her genetic secrets and research for their own corrupt purposes.

Naval officer Tristan Farraday is undercover investigating Biotec, a conglomerate that trumpets a better tomorrow in its bright, shiny annual reports. But Tristan’s bosses suspect that beneath Biotec’s carefully-managed exterior lies more than simple violations of a few experimental protocols. 

Farraday is following a trail of murder, kidnapping, and blackmail. The trail leads him to Victory, who has been forced into Biotec’s world. Can Tristan chase down the truth and win the race for Victory?
My Review:
Chasing Victory from The Winters Sisters Series was one amazing thrill ride! This book left me on the edge of my seat wanting more! I was totally engrossed in the story it was steamy and fast paced with one gigantic cliffhanger! I was completely in love with this book including the cliffhanger. Chasing Victory leaves a lot to the imagination so the reader can visualize the story as it plays out. Joanne Jaytanie knows how to leave her readers enthralled with the mystery and romance of he writing. I can guarantee you that I will be reading the rest of this series without any hesitation.

Ashes to Ashes series. Vol One Blitz Packet

Fashionable tatooed man with beard in casual clothing.

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Are you ready to fall into the world of Phoenixes and Wraiths who guard the gates of the beyond? Ashes to Ashes Series Volume One includes the first three books in the Ashes to Ashes series by Annie Anderson. He took everything from her, but she needs him if she wants to live. Rock, meet hard place in Scattered Ashes. She's missed the last fifty years in prison, he's on the proverbial death row in Falling Ashes. She's the Queen and he'll be her King - if they can live that long in Rising Ashes. About Scattered Ashes: Aurelia Constantine is having a rough century. Plagued by visions of murder, death and destruction, she has resigned herself to the nightmare her life has become. When an enemy from her past comes to her rescue, she must let go of old wounds and heal the breach so she may survive the evil poisoning her mind. Rhys Stevens is guilty. Murder. Betrayal. Treason. Take your pick; he’s guilty of them all. On the path of redemption, he must beg for forgiveness from the one person he fought to save - the woman he has always loved. Thrown together in the trenches of war, they must work as a team to stop a monstrous puppet master from pulling their strings. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down. Get ready to burn. About Falling Ashes: Mena Constantine is pissed off. Finally freed from her fifty-year imprisonment by a maniacal leader, she is desperately trying to recover and get her life back. Problem is, the life she had is long gone. Struggling under the weight of her memories and healing from the wounds of her captivity, she can't seem to catch a break. Every waking moment, death seems like a relief she would welcome. Asher Crane is a dead man. As a Guardian to the King, his only purpose in life is to keep the King alive. And he's failing. Miserably. With the King ill, the Queen dying, and zero plans for a successor, he's pretty much screwed. Because if the King dies, the law says Asher dies, too. As these two wounded souls collide in a series of bloody and unfortunate events, they will clutch to the last shreds of life before death beats down their door. About Rising Ashes: West Carmichael is not my real name. It is the name I pulled from thin air over five hundred years ago. I don’t come from royalty—I come from the dregs of the ethereal. As the King’s assassin, I have more blood on my hands than most. I don’t deserve her. I don’t deserve anyone. But I will keep her safe. Even if I die trying. Evangeline Black. My name sounds like the heroine of a historical romance novel – not that I read those or anything. My life so far: Dead parents? Check. Broken heart? Check. Evil mistress of darkness, hell-bent on power and thirsty for my death? Big. Honking. Check. But this mess won’t get cleaned up by itself. I’ve got a job to do. As these two reluctant hearts fight their pull, they must decide if they want to fall apart in the midst of the chaos swarming around them or yield to their hearts… and rise.

Read A Few Excerpts...heart-a2a-vol-1

Aurelia – 1855 The mulch-like growth and rocks on the forest floor crunch and squish together under my feet as I scramble through the bedrock and finish climbing the first foothill. Stupid skirt. Stupid slippery shoes. I’m not moving fast enough, but in my state, I’m surprised I can move at all. The stitch in my side is cutting off my breath. Where are they? I stop and search the sky, but I know it’s too late. The sky is rapidly turning the inky black of evening in the early Fall, and with no moon out tonight, I’ll never see the sky as properly as I should. The first blow comes, and I cry out in agony as a wound splits open on the back of my forearm. But there’s no one here. I hear no one and see no one, but a large gaping wound has torn open my arm from wrist to elbow. I smell the coppery bite of blood as the warm, sticky stream seeps down past my fingers and drips onto the dirt, swiftly devoured by the dry soil below. Blackness clouds my vision for a minute, but I force myself to forget the constant pulse of my wound and pull myself together. I rip a swath off my billowing skirt and use the fabric to bind my arm in an effort to stem the bleeding. The navy blue patterned fabric turns indigo from the blood quickly oozing from my wound. I pick myself up off the gritty forest floor and start walking, rather than the panicked pace of before. I can’t run with this wound. I’m already pushing it with this silly corset, especially in my condition. There. I hear it, and I know I was right. They are clashing together somewhere in the distance. They are going to kill each other. © Copyright 2016 Annie Anderson

i-can-do-what-i-need-to-a2a-vol-1Excerpt Two...

Asher My brain seems to split in two. I want to maim and murder, but I also want to comfort her. I can almost taste the bitterness of her distress, how much she must hate people looking at her, talking to her after so many years of captivity. I want to see her eyes. I want to know what she’s thinking. I can’t take the waiting, and I move Ian out of the way and then West and then Evan, making my way to the left side of her bed. I hear the faint sounds of protests and shouts beyond the harsh buzzing in my ears, but I don’t care. I know my hands are taloned, but I can’t think about reining in my phase. I reach out to touch her fidgeting fingers and in surprise, her head finally rises so I can see her face. Her eyes are wide and fringed in black lashes that make her beautiful olive green irises pop. Her forehead and the left side of her face are covered in bruises, and her nose is pert and cute, even if it’s a little swollen. Her cheekbones are high and sharp, and as soon as I can, I’m making her eat until she bursts. Those eyes that just a second ago were startled, swiftly turn from surprised to angry and in a flash her irises turn from green to gold. The last thought of consciousness I have before she shocks me stupid is how pretty her eyes are when she’s mad. © Copyright 2016 Annie Anderson

Excerpt Three...wolves-at-bay-a2a-vol-1

Evan – 1928 – Los Angeles, CA I was alone – finally alone even in this sea of people– after so much time with the ones I loved breathing down my neck. It was like a vacation. I needed something of my own. A secret, a life, something to break away from my family. Something that didn’t say princess or royalty. Something that let me just be me. Singing was it for me. I was ending my five-song set with a favorite of mine, an old Jane Greene song when I saw him. I’d seen him around town a few times, when I was shopping by myself or when I watched a boxing match at the Olympic Auditorium, a scandalous activity for an unchaperoned young lady. But we’d never met. He was handsome. I even daresay beautiful, if you can call a man like that beautiful. He was tall – taller than anyone in the room by nearly a whole head –and built so powerfully he made the other men look like pitiful adolescents dressed up in their daddy’s clothes. It was difficult to tell if his hair was as dark as it seemed in the low light of the secret club, but it appeared black in the dim. Dressed to the nines in a brilliant black suit, he moved with grace through the crowd until he found his seat at the only open table in the joint, folding his huge frame into the chair with the grace of a jaguar. Papa had taken me to Brazil when I was just a little girl, and we saw the big cats roam the rainforests. He moved just like those jungle cats, scanning the room for prey and threats, watching everything with disinterest, as if he could take or leave the sights and sounds and people. As if he were bored in this raucous party that seemed to never end. © Copyright 2016 Annie Anderson

Meet The Author...

Annie Anderson is a military wife and United States Air Force veteran. Originally from Dallas, Texas, she is a southern girl at heart, but has lived all over the US and abroad. As soon as the military stops moving her family around, she’ll settle on a state, but for now she enjoys being a nomad with her husband, two daughters, and old man of a dog.

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Pursued Blitz


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Trapped by a mutual enemy, they have no choice but to work together. All Sophie wants to do is escape the prison that has held her for so long. Years of abuse have taken their toll on her. After a failed escape attempt, she is imprisoned with a bear shifter. Can the two of them work together to achieve their freedom? Captured by an enemy that wants to kill him, Callum is determined to free himself and the cute tiger shifter who shares his cell. It’s kill or be killed and he’s not ready to die. He definitely can’t stand the thought of anything happening to Sophie. She’s a gentle soul who despite her circumstances still has a good heart. As he fights to free them both, he begins to fall for the tempting tiger. Can he get them to safety and win her heart, or will his enemy destroy everything that he’s working for?

Read A Few Excerpts...

Callum forced himself to his feet. His knees wobbled, but he ignored it, wanting to see what was going to happen. Sophie stood next to him. He put his arm out, keeping himself protectively in front of her. At least ten men marched toward them holding tasers and clanking chains. Callum balled his fists at his sides. This couldn’t be good. The hunters stopped in front of the door. “Get back,” one of them said, holding his weapon at the ready. Callum took a step back and Sophie followed his lead. A man stepped forward and unlocked the cell door. He tossed a chain at Sophie then to Callum. They weren’t just chains, but handcuffs and ankle shackles. “Put them on.” Sophie stared at Callum with wide eyes, and he gave her a nod, now wasn’t the time to fight. There were too many of them. It would serve them better to cooperate for the moment so they could stay conscious long enough to come up with a plan that would work. He let out breath when she bent over to pick up the chains, securing the cuffs to her feet first then to her wrists. Callum did the same. He left the shackles loose enough on his joints that if he got the ability to shift back he could, hopefully breaking the bindings in the process. The hunter nodded at them and moved with his back against the bars until he stood behind them. Another man stepped inside, holding two needles. “Don’t move a muscle.” He popped the top of the syringe with his teeth and jammed the pointy end into Callum’s bicep, effectively squashing any hopes he had of shifting anytime soon. Then he did the same to Sophie. She winced but didn’t say anything as he plunged the needle into her arm. The man behind them nudged him. “Now go. Slowly. Sophie first. Don’t try anything funny either.” Callum watched as Sophie took a few steps forward, waddling as best she could in her constraints. He followed after her. She stopped next to the hospital bed and went to lean forward. “Keep moving,” a hunter said as he shoved her forward. “But—” “Now!” The man shoved her hard enough to make her stumble. “I just want to say goodbye,” Sophie said. The hunter’s hand whipped up, connecting with her face. She cried out and fell backward, colliding with the metal bars as she struggled to find her footing. Callum roared as he moved forward. Several tasers pressed against his skin, sending charges racing through him. He grunted as he collapsed to his knees. Hands grasped him, hauling him back to his feet. “Keep him conscious,” one man said. “I don’t feel like dragging his heavy ass across the complex.” “Walk,” another man said, shoving him forward. His muscles contracted painfully as he moved forward. If he weren’t as large as he was, the jolt would have incapacitated him completely. They were led out into the sterile white hallway and Callum had to blink against the offensive brightness of the lights. The hunters led them through the complex, down winding hallways until they reached a garage. A large truck with a semi type trailer sat in the middle with its metal doors open. “Get in,” a hunter said, shoving Sophie from behind. “You too,” the man from behind him said. He walked up the ramp and took a seat on a metal bench that had been screwed into the floor. Sophie sat down and stared at him from the opposite side. A door clanged shut and they both turned. Another man, most likely a shifter, was being led to their truck too. Callum had never met the man before, but there was something familiar about him. He nodded at the newcomer, silently asking Sophie who he was. She shrugged in response and motioned with her hands. The man stumbled up the ramp and eased himself down on the bench next to Callum. He grunted and leaned back, sticking one leg out in front of him. Blood seeped through the white linen on his thigh. Callum turned his attention back to the hunters, watching as they rolled the ramp up and someone tugged each door shut. The truck rocked back and forth and he heard a clicking sound, which he assumed was some sort of a lock. Then someone tapped on the outside of the truck and an engine roared to life.

Excerpt Two...

Sophie ran a hand through her hair and let out a breath. She fiddled with the remote as she went to the bed, turning the TV on. Flipping through the channels, she paused at a news broadcast. On the screen was an image of her, Callum, and Terrence in their animal forms. The newswoman went on to say how there had been no other sightings since that day, but residents in the area were still urged to use caution. “Looks like we caused quite the ruckus,” Callum said from behind her. Sophie jumped, not realizing he was so close. He made his way to the bed and got situated in the spot next to her. “I guess so,” she said, relaxing back into the pillows. “Is that a bad thing?” He was shirtless, his hair still wet from the shower. She bit her lip, allowing her gaze to sweep over him. “They won’t find us.” Callum shook his head. “I’m sure they will have some questions – they’ll just never get answered.” She forced her gaze back to the TV, watching for a few moments as the reporter expanded on the story. “It’s nothing to worry about,” Callum said. “The world doesn’t know about us. Shifting has its benefits. Speaking of shifting, you should probably do it again soon. The more practice the better, and the less painful it will be. Plus your body craves the transformation.” “There was something freeing about running as a tiger. Obviously I can’t transition here,” she said, motioning to the room. “No, I suppose not. But you could practice partial shifts.” “Partial shifts,” she repeated slowly. “What’s that? I mean, I know what it is, I’ve seen shifters do just their hands or their eyes, but do you think I’m ready for that? I’ve only shifted once in my entire life.” Callum shrugged. “Everyone has to start somewhere. It’s a good way to appease your animal half on nights like tonight where we can’t get out.” “How do I do it?” she asked, curious. “It’s not hard really. Why don’t we start with something easy like your eyes?” “Okay,” she said. “Close them.” She did as he said. “Good. Now think about your tiger’s eyes. How sharp and crisp everything is when you look through them.” Sophie did as he asked, remembering the way her vision had enhanced the other day when she’d been a tiger. Her face went numb and she inhaled a deep breath, recognizing the odd tingles zipping through her face as a sign of her change. “Did I do it?” she asked opening her eyes. The room looked different, not because it was but because she had indeed done it. Her vision and hearing had always been impeccable in her human form, but now as a cat it was even better. Leaning forward, she smiled. She could even hear the rhythmic thrum of Callum’s heart beating. She lifted her fingers to her face. Fur had spread across her cheekbones and her nose was flatter than it should be. Her ears were fuzzy and pointed too, but her vision was what she cared about. She’d done it. Maybe not as well as some of the others who could do just their eyes, but she’d take the small win that she had. “You did good,” Callum said as she met his gaze. A wide grin was on his face and he was closer than she thought he was. She swallowed as her eyes dipped down to his full lips, then looked away. She shook her head and let out a breath as her face tingled again, returning to normal. “That was pretty cool,” she said with a giggle. “I thought you might like it.” “How often can I do that? How long until I can do just my eyes?” she asked. “You can do it as often as you like. The more you do it, the better control you’ll have,” he said. “So you can do just your eyes?” Sophie asked. Callum closed his eyes, opening them a few seconds later. The stormy grey was gone, replaced by an onyx color. Before she could stop herself, she reached out and touched his face by his temples. He stayed where he was, letting her move her fingers down his cheek before she let her hand drop back to her lap. He shut his eyes again and reopened them, allowing them to return to their natural color. “The key is to transition the animal parts of you that will be most effective depending on what the situation calls for. My eyesight isn’t very different as a bear, so I probably wouldn’t change it regardless of the situation. But say we were in a fight, I’d focus on my hands.” He flexed his fist and Sophie watched as hair sprouted out and his hand grew, doubling in size as it became a giant paw. “A good hit with my paw will knock anyone out.” Sophie reached out and trailed her fingers over his furry paw. It was soft to the touch, but she had no doubt that it could do a lot of damage if Callum wanted it to. He curled his paw inward, gently clasping her palm as if they were holding hands. She licked her lips, surprised by the tenderness of it. His bones snapped and realigned. The bear paw was gone, replaced by a human hand. Callum’s thumb rubbed tiny circles onto the back of her hand, causing her to swallow. It felt nice – better than nice. Heat raced through her, awakening parts of her body she’d never thought any man would ever touch. Callum shook his head and released her hand, turning back to the TV. She let out a breath, wondering what in the world had just happened as she stared at the screen. The news was still on and they’d moved onto another story that she had no interest in.

Meet The Author...

Bethany Shaw lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids. Writing has always been her passion and she loves sharing her stories with readers. When she isn't writing, she is spending time with her family. They enjoy bike rides, bowling, and board games. Sign up for Bethany Shaw's newsletter and stay up to date on new releases, teasers, and sales. You can sign up for her newsletter by following the link below.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Untitled Beauty


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Eleven. A name. A title. A sentence passed. If you aren’t a Beauty, you’re less than a person. You’re a commodity known as a Potential… and you only have so many chances to qualify as a human being. In her seventeen years, Eleven has seen the best and worst in humanity. She’s been passed around and abused by the bad. She’s hoped and dreamed for the good. And she’s despaired for the hand she’s been dealt. Now she’s been purchased by a wealthy man who has the ability to improve her life and help her become a Beauty – if she can put up with his erratic and controlling personality for long enough, that is. Complicating things is the appearance of a stunningly beautiful young man with amethyst eyes who treats Eleven to the rarest form of attention for a Potential: kindness. Does Eleven trust her powerful owner to help her escape this life of servitude and enslavement, or does she gamble everything on the enigmatic young man who seems to offer her more than she could ever imagine possible?    

Read A Few Excerpt...

I hate how beauty permits enslaving the beasts.
With money and a sponsor, even the ugliest person can have flawlessness and receive anything they’d want out of life. With good looks, they can live a full life. The old days when anyone could be ugly and still live happily and normally are long gone. Flawlessness and beauty is the only way to survive. Flawlessness comes naturally with good genes or money. By any means possible, Potentials have to find a way to obtain beauty.
This new life offers five chances to earn the title of Beauty. Five measly chances to prove your worth to people who hold the right to exist peacefully in this cruel world in their porcelain-like hands.

Excerpt Two...

Play by the rules when dealing with Beauties. That is the only way to survive.
My true name isn’t Eleven, but, I’ll let my new family decide what they’ll call me.
Here I am – seventeen years old and an Eleven. So close and yet so far from being beautiful.
I tug on the chain hanging from my neck in irritation and bite my lower lip for a second before looking up towards the tiny hole in my cell door, my only source of light.
I may be a Potential, but my true name is Grace. And I will achieve beauty by any means possible.

Excerpt Three...

“I want to see you. Won’t you please lift your head?” His kind voice and false modesty are making me sick. He only wants to look at me to satisfy himself. He only wants to see what I look like because he’s flawless. He’s sicker than the other ones. Maybe not as sick as Shawn – I have the scabs on my lips to prove that – but being less sadistic than a controlling megalomaniac isn’t that impressive. But before I can tell my body to resist, I jerk up my head and focus my sharp hazel eyes on his. Recognition. A long-forgotten memory surges into my mind, but it is driven away by a sharp pain at my neck. As the memory retreats, waves of pain replace it until the world is made of agony and darkness. Then only darkness.  

Meet The Author...

13221552_968029213317514_8688262241548106874_n C.E. Wilson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, grew up in Millersville, Pennsylvania, and has been living in Pittsburgh since 2009. For the first few years living in Pittsburgh, she was an English teacher. Her first book, "Oath of Servitude," was published in 2012. In 2013, she quit teaching to be a full time author and hasn't looked back since. She loves spending time with her daughter and husband.   Don't forget to follow her on social media!   Newsletter Sign Up: C.E. Wilson’s Dreamers (Street Team): “Like” me on Facebook: Goodreads: Twitter: Instagram:  

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Tyranny Review

To Save the World, He Must Trust Her in the Magic of What If?

The Goddess of Delphi is a new series from Gemma Brocato, and begins 

Greek Muses must join forces with one non-believing mortal man to prevent the hostile takeover of Olympus and save the world from peril.

Goddess, she wasn’t the type to just fall into bed on a first date, but if Jax asked, she’d surrender.”


One man, one muse, one romance to save the world
Immortal librarian Clio has existed for thousands of years. Her purpose—to influence and inspire mortals. Now as one has inspired her, a battle is mounting between the Muses and a god who care little for the plight of man. A hostile takeover is imminent at Olympus Enterprises.
History professor Jax Callahan is battling his own uncertainties. His previous employer’s refusal to heed his warnings results in a tragic loss of life. Blaming himself, he no longer believes he can make a difference.
Tyranny will stop at nothing to appease her father and succeed in taking over Olympus and the world. To save mankind, Clio must reveal herself as a Muse to Jax, the man she’s fallen in love with. Facing the end of humanity as they know it, she must convince him to trust in the magic of what if. Because failure spells doom for everyone.

My Review: Holy Zeus! Tyranny was a awesome take on modern day muses and Olympus. Jax and Clio were one steamy couple however hidden secrets could destroy both of them if they aren't careful. I enjoyed reading every minute of this book. I love Greek Mythology and Tyranny had no shortage of it. I won't tell you how it all works out but, I will tell you that Gemma Brocato can write Greek Mythology for me any time. 

Excerpt for TYRANNY (Goddess of Delphi Book 1)
God knew, he’d worked for years to get the bureaucratic idiots to hear his ideas. He could have circumvented the problem long ago if he’d been able to make the right people listen. The government’s idea of a diplomatic solution only served to edge the world closer to a massive war. “I couldn’t convince anyone to consider the logical alternative, a negotiated settlement where the Bulgarian people are protected. There is no stopping the Five Nations.” The statement alone made his gut churn.
“There has to be.” Clio rose from her seat, moved to her desk, and retrieved a scrap of paper. With graceful movements, she returned to his side. She handed him the document. “You need to read this. It will change your mind.”
Battling the skepticism that had been his hallmark since he’d left GeoPoly, he took the sheet from her hand. It was an e-mail. The chilling message mentioned destruction, war, and an end to mankind. “Who is this Pierus?”
“He’s a demi-god who thought his nine daughters were better than the daughters of Zeus, my sisters and me.” The corners of her mouth lifted slightly. “Zeus is never nice when he’s pissed off. He turned Pierus’s daughters into magpies. Pierus has been seeking to restore them ever since.”
“Whoa! Zeus is your dad? Like, Zeus Zeus? God of Gods, Zeus?” Okay, his world shifted from I can handle her as a Muse to what the fuck have I gotten myself into? He shook his head in denial but then recalled the sight of the bird this morning, and more recently outside Clio’s bedroom window.
“The same. Anyway, Pierus resurfaced recently and challenged us to a contest to return his brats to human form. It’s his version of a hostile takeover of Olympus. He wins, and he gets dominion over all immortals. And his daughters would be unleashed on humanity.” Clio shuddered. “The effect on mortals will be dire. They’ll live up to their names, like Tyranny, Strife, Mayhem. You get the idea.”
“Can he do it?” Aw, shit. That sounded like he was a believer. And maybe, just maybe…
Clio frowned. “He can if we fail at the challenge he’s set for us.”
“Have any of you failed?”
She shrugged. “I’m the first.”
“His message says one Muse, one man. How do you know I’m the man?”
“The magpies keep appearing. You mentioned a run in with a crazy old man and a bird. I believe that was Pierus. The other night in the library when it was storming so badly, I spied the image of Pierus and his skanky daughter in a flash of lightning.” She shook her head again. “Tonight when we walked past the street musician, that was Pierus in disguise.”
 The dotted line from his run-in with the bird to Clio’s story just filled in like a solid fucking black dart.

A uthor Bio:
Gemma's favorite desk accessories for many years were a circular wooden token, better known as a 'round tuit,' and a slip of paper from a fortune cookie proclaiming her a lover of words; some day she'd write a book. All it took was a transfer to the United Kingdom, the lovely English springtime, and a huge dose of homesickness to write her first novel. Once it was completed and sent off with a kiss, even the rejections addressed to 'Dear Author' were gratifying.
After returning to America, she spent a number of years as a copywriter, dedicating her skills to making insurance and the agents who sell them sound sexy. Eventually, her full-time job as a writer interfered with her desire to be a writer full-time and she left the world of financial products behind to pursue a career as a romance author.
Gemma focuses mainly on contemporary and paranormal romance, with an occasional detour into science fiction romance. Her titles are available in digital and print-on-demand at all major retailers.
Find Gemma at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads