Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Chronicles of Rain & Dreams Release Day Blitz

Title: The Chronicles of Rain and Dreams
Series: The Legend of the Archangel book 4
Author: L.L. Hunter
Genre: YA paranormal romance/ urban fantasy
Cover Designer: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design and photography
Release Date: January 31st 2015
Formats: eBook and Paperback
Thirty- nine days ago Dyston disappeared, and the world suffered for it.
Scarlett doesn’t understand why he had to leave, but Dyston is being haunted by the demons of his past, and also the truth of what he is – he is tainted.
But leaving is also a ploy.
Dyston can’t let Scarlett find out the real reason for his leaving, for if she does find out, he fears she could never forgive him.
In the search for the missing journals of the nine archangels, Dyston also discovers some things he didn’t know about himself.
But little does he know, the one journal he can’t find lies with his heart.
Will Dyston be able to forgive himself and return to his loved ones, or will he hide away forever?
In the fourth installment of the Legend of the Archangel series, will love prevail over darkness?
Stalk links:
Instagram: @llhunter
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Bye-Bye Baby Release Day Blitz

Title: Bye-Bye Baby
Author: Morgana Phoenix 
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance Expected Release Date: Jan 31, 2015
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours
Blurb: Love has no expiration. The morning Beth packed her bags and walked out of Cole’s life was the day he swore the only girl for him would be the six year old who called him daddy. He didn’t have time for love, not between raising his baby girl and trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do with his life. But fate has a funny way of coming around and kicking you when you least expect it. Cole’s new life was no exception.   As a product of a severely broken home, Beth Doan knew better than to ever get married. She’d seen what that commitment did to people and she loved Cole McClain too much to let marriage destroy them. But the minute she boards that bus she knew she was making the biggest mistake of her life. Only maybe she wasn’t, not when she goes running back home to the only man she ever loved and finds him in the arms of another woman.  When an unexpected accident throws them together four years later, the last thing either anticipated was to become responsible for a little person who needs them a whole lot more than they need their bitterness and hurt feelings. Can Cole and Beth forgive and forget long enough to save the life of a child neither one of them predicted falling in love with? Or are some wounds just too deep to heal?
Airicka Phoenix lives in a world where unicorns, fairies and mermaids run amok through her home on a daily basis. When she’s not chasing after pixies and rounding up imps, also known as her four children, she can be found conjuring up evil villains, bad-ass heroines and swoon-worthy heroes to play with. Airicka is singlehandedly responsible for her greatly anticipated collections, The Touch SagaThe Lost Girl DuologyThe Regeneration SeriesGames of Fire & Betraying Innocence. She also writes mature paranormal & contemporary romance under the dark guise of Morgana Phoenix. To date, she is responsible for The Sons of Judgment SagaIn The Dark SeriesForever His Baby & Bye-Bye Baby. For more about Airicka and the realm she rules with an iron fist—and tons of chocolate—visit her at:

Tagged For Life Cover Reveal

Title: Tagged For Life
Author: Sam Destiny          
Genre: Contemporary Romance Expected Release Date: Mar. 31, 2015Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours
Blurb: A career. A perfect future. Everything he could wish for. That’s what Corporal Jesse ‘Jazz’ Connor thinks about his life. He can’t understand why his comrades feel the need to find a girl and settle down when the Army career latter has so many steps to climb. Up, up, up; that’s where he’s looking – and that’s the reason, too, why he stumbles over the only thing that maybe can change his view on life forever: Tessa.
No job. No plan. An open future. That’s how Tessa Connor likes to see her life as she starts a trip to see some friends half way across the world. And Jazz will be her first step to the new Tessa. Build up your confidence; show the world what you can do, that’s her new motto. The problem is that Jazz maybe turns out to be so much more than she could ever have hoped for – and still not be able to hold onto.
Together they need to find a way to make A and B come together with an ocean between them that threatens to drown everything – maybe even their love.
Once upon a time there was a young girl with her head full of dreams and her heart full of stories. Her parents, though not a unit, always supported her and told her more stories, encouraging her to become what she wanted to be. The problem was, young Sam didn't know what she wanted to be, so after getting her A-levels she started studying Computer Science and Media. After not even one year she realized it wasn't what her heart wanted, and so she stopped, staying home and trying to find her purpose in life. Through some detours she landed an internship and eventually an apprenticeship in a company that sells cell phones. Not a dreamy career, but hey. Today she's doing an accounting job from nine-to-five, which mainly consists of daydreaming and scribbling notes wherever she can. 
All through that time little Sam never once lost the stories in her heart, writing a few little of them here and there, writing for and with her best friend, who always told her to take that last step. Only when a certain twin-couple entered her mind, bothering her with ideas and talking to her nonstop did she start to write down their story - getting as far as thinking she could finish it. Through the help of some author friends, and the encouragement of earlier mentioned best friend, little Sam, now not so little anymore and in her twenty-seventh year,  decided to try her luck as an Indie author. She finished the story of the first twin, Jaden, and realized she couldn't ever stop. So, it is only after five that the real Sam comes out. The one that hungers for love, romance, some blood, a good story, and, at the end of the day, a nice hot cup of Chai Tea Latte.
And if the boys are still talking to her, she'll write happily ever after.
Author links: 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

King Arthur's Sister In Washington's Court Blog Tour

Title: King Arthur’s Sister In Washington’s Court
Author:  Kim Iverson Headlee
Genre:  Science Fiction/Fantasy Time-Travel Romance
Hosted By: DRC Promotions



Morgan le Fay, 6th-century Queen of Gore and the only major character not killed off by Mark Twain in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, vows revenge upon the Yankee Hank Morgan. She casts a spell to take her to 1879 Connecticut so she may waylay Sir Boss before he can travel back in time to destroy her world. But the spell misses by 300 miles and 200 years, landing her in the Washington, D.C., of 2079, replete with flying limousines, hovering office buildings, virtual-reality television, and sundry other technological marvels.

Whatever is a time-displaced queen of magic and minions to do? Why, rebuild her kingdom, of course—two kingdoms, in fact: as Campaign Boss for the reelection of American President Malory Beckham Hinton, and as owner of the London Knights world-champion baseball franchise.

Written as though by the old master himself, King Arthur’s Sister in Washington’s Court by Mark Twain as channeled by Kim Iverson Headlee offers laughs, love, and a candid look at American society, popular culture, politics, baseball...and the human heart.

My Review: I have always been a fan of Arthurian books and time travel as well so when the chance came for me to read this book I was thrilled. I dove into this story head first and was surprised by what I found. Morgan Is King Arthur's sister and she is trying to save his life but to do so she must go back in time to kill the man who takes her brothers life. There's just one problem with that she ends up in the future not the past. Morgan is left to accept that she is in the wrong place and the wrong time. Morgan Plunges into politics and comes out shining. She also buys a baseball team and falls in love with a man who will betray her and yet she loves him can she make it work will love save the day for Morgan or will she let it slip by and miss her chance at true love?
I enjoyed this book immensely! Kim Iverson Headlee took me on a journey I won't soon forget. She did an amazing job with this book and I am so glad I got the chance to read it!

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Chapter XI: The Queen in Search of a Baseball Club

CLARICE HELPED ME pack my clothing and accessories for the relocation to London: just what I would need for the first brace of weeks, which amounted to eight large traveling cases, one of which was devoted to my hair accoutrements and cosmetics. Not long after arriving in this century, Clarice had introduced me to these wonderful products, which allowed me to create the same visual effect as I had done for decades with the aid of magic; now you sit privy to the secret of how I could cast ever so many enchantments for President Malory and remain looking as glorious as ever.

While I was yet sorting through my garments deciding which to bring and which to leave, my thoughts turned toward a leaving of another sort. I must have appeared sorrowful, for of a sudden Clarice asked if aught ailed me.

“I shall miss you, Clarice, when I get to London.” Since that answer represented only half the truth, I hurried on with: “And yet I know that you shall perform your duties in continuing to oversee my office here in Washington to the utmost of your considerable abilities.”

That made her smile, and she thanked me for the compliment, but her look turned shrewd. “I imagine you’ll miss President Hinton, too.”

“Of course I shall. She has become as a sister to me.”

I resumed examination of the dress I had been holding, a sexy little black thing that I would have loved to have worn only for Accolon…

“Please tell me about him,” said Clarice.

“I beg your pardon?”

The shrewd look was back. Mayhap it had never left. “Sir Accolon. Queen Morgan, you have not—um, partnered with any man of this century more often than once to my certain knowledge, since I manage your schedule. I suspect that you have not yet found anyone you like, let alone love, as well as he. No one of this era could make you go all moony-eyed while looking at a dress; therefore, you must be thinking about Accolon. So, please tell me about him.”

Ha. I knew I had chosen her as my trusted adviser for good reason, and I rewarded her accordingly. As the memories swirled about in my mind, making me yearn even more acutely for Accolon’s company, I said:

“He was a knight with very few peers during his lifetime, excepting only Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine. And my brother—those three were the only knights who ever bested him in single combat. So naturally, he was big—in all parts and portions—and muscular, and very strong, yet as a lover he was no brute, but as tender as any virgin maid could ever wish for. His intellect was nearly as keen as mine, as was his eagerness to assist me in righting the wrongs inflicted upon me by my brother. He had hair as glossy black as a raven’s wing, which he kept short-cropped in the old Roman style; he once said it was more comfortable under the helmet than having masses of hair stuffed up under and making the head sweat overmuch. It had a fine curl to it that I found most endearing. His eyes were an unforgettable shade of blue, and he had a strong chin that he kept clean-shaven…Lord God in heaven! Who on earth is that?”

While I had been discoursing on Accolon’s virtues, Clarice had activated her screen, which was now displaying the image of a man who could have been my dead lover’s twin.

Clarice grinned. “You said the other day that you wanted to find another general manager for the Knights. This man is Alexander Leroy ‘Sandy’ Carter, former WBF second baseman and 2073 Tournament MVP for the Connecticut Yankees. Since his retirement as a player, he has served in various capacities for several teams, including as a GM. He is a renowned expert in all matters baseball.”

In any era, when something—or someone—sounds too good to be true, it—or he—usually is. I asked, “If he is so valuable, then why does he not stay with one team?”

A look of chagrin crossed her countenance. “Sandy Carter is what we call a ‘loose cannon.’ He can be temperamental and wild, and he gets into fights with players and coaches and…sometimes even with his bosses. And not just verbal fights, either. Usually his points are quite valid, but his means of expressing them don’t earn him any friends.”

In a word, then, passionate. Passionate men I understood and could work with. It had been thus with Accolon at the start of our association, and look at all I had been able to accomplish with him. Everything I had ever desired, except King Arthur’s throne.

Wit I well that lying and gullibility were two facets of human nature that had not changed in the last fifteen centuries and shall not change in the next fifteen, either. I had learned this while trying to evaluate potential new Knights for the team. Everyone speaks glowingly of his accomplishments and accolades; no one ever mentions his flaws or mistakes or regrets unless a wise employer chooses to ask specific questions of this ilk. Yet Clarice had offered the bad along with the good of this man. Still, I would be forced as a point of honor to relinquish my coveted title of The Wise if I accepted her words at face value; upon turning the thought-receptors toward me, I soon verified everything she had told me about this volatile man.

I asked, “Is Sandy Carter available now?”

Clarice’s grin returned. “For the right price, Queen Morgan, anyone is.”

It took only one call, and Sandy Carter expressed exceeding pleasure and eagerness to accompany me to London as general manager of the Knights. The fact that I had worn the sexy black number during the call saved the team quite a sum with regard to Carter’s agreed-upon salary.

Neither as queen nor as ball club owner do I ever make idle promises.

About the Author

Kim Headlee lives on a farm in southwestern Virginia with her family, cats, goats, and assorted wildlife. People & creatures come and go, but the cave and the 250-year-old house ruins—the latter having been occupied as recently as the mid-20th century—seem to be sticking around for a while yet.

Kim is a Seattle native (when she used to live in the Metro DC area, she loved telling people she was from "the other Washington") and a direct descendent of twentieth-century Russian nobility. Her grandmother was a childhood friend of the doomed Grand Duchess Anastasia, and the romantic yet tragic story of how Lydia escaped Communist Russia with the aid of her American husband will most certainly one day fuel one of Kim's novels. Another novel in the queue will involve her husband's ancestor, the seventh-century proto-Viking king of the Swedish colony in Russia.

For the time being, however, Kim has plenty of work to do in creating her projected 8-book Arthurian series, The Dragon's Dove Chronicles, and other novels under her new imprint, Pendragon Cove Press.

YouTube video interview:

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Halfway Perfect Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Title: Halfway Perfect
Authors: Julie Cross and Mark Perini
Release Date: May 5, 2015
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Genre: Young Adult


Bestselling author Julie Cross teams up with Ford model Mark Perini to pen a poignant and gritty YA novel about love and the dark side of modeling and the fashion industry

Eve's time as a fashion model nearly destroyed her-now she's determined to build a career behind the camera lens. But landing a coveted photography internship brings her face to face with her dark past-and her ex.

While Eve is snapping pictures, up-and-coming male model Alex is launching his career-which, for him, involves maintaining a fake relationship with his (secretly) underage co-star, Elana.

But Alex is falling for Eve, and Eve won't let herself get hurt again. If Alex can pull off a fake love with Elana, can he convince Eve to risk a secret affair with him?

Pre-order Links

Barnes and Noble

About the Authors

Julie Cross is the international bestselling author of the Tempest series, a young adult science fiction trilogy. Julie lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three children. Her knowledge of the modeling and fashion world comes from viewings of the movies The Devil Wears Prada, and Zoolander, and her unwavering devotion to the first three seasons of Ugly Betty. On a recent trip to NYC, she also took the time to walk past both the Gucci and Prada stores, spending at least 15 seconds viewing items through the windows.

Mark Perini is a New York City-based author debuting his first YA novel, Halfway Perfect. Additionally, Mark is a featured author in the NA anthology, Fifty First Times.

Mark began his career as an international fashion model ten years ago, while simultaneously obtaining a business degree from Seton Hall University. He has a passion for traveling the world, and he’s made a blood pact with friends to see all seven wonders of the ancient world before he's thirty. Four down, three to go.

Julie Cross’ Social Networking Links

Mark Perini’s Social Networking Links

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Breaking Noah Cover Reveal

by Missy Johnson and Ashley Suzanne

What happens when you start falling for your worst enemy? Fans of Abbi Glines and Monica Murphy will relish this addictive novel of smoking-hot seduction—and revenge gone so wrong, it’s right.

I wasn’t always this jaded. I had a clear head, things I wanted out of life, and a concise plan on how to get there. For being only twenty-one, I pretty much had it all figured out. Until the day my cousin died.

I spent months going over all the details surrounding her death, trying to figure out how I missed the signs, and the only thing I could come up with was she would still be alive if it wasn’t for one person: her professor. So I transferred to his college, enrolled in his class, and set my new plan in motion.

First I’ll seduce him. Then I’ll ruin him. I’ve just got to stay strong and not let his charm and my emotions get the best of me. Because someone has to pay for her death. If it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to break Noah.

Coming 5/26/2015
Find it here:

About the authors:

Missy Johnson is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in a small town in Victoria, Australia, with her husband and her confused pets (a dog who thinks that she is a cat, a cat who thinks he is a dog . . . you get the picture). When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read. (Website:

Ashley Suzanne has been writing for as long as she can remember. As a youngster, she was always creating stories and talking to her imaginary friends. Thankfully, her parents also carried this love of fiction, and helped her grow into the bestselling author she is today. When Ashley isn’t coming up with her next story, you'll most likely find her on the couch, telling her husband all about her new book boyfriend, or spending quality time with her two gremlins . . . er, adorable children. (Website:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sparrow Way Blog Tour

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The final journey of the Saving Angels series has come to an end. All roads have led you to…. “What’s the address?” she asks. “Eleven Sparrow Way.” She closes her eyes for a moment. “I like that. Our journey has flown us here, flown us home….” Gabriel Roberts found his happily ever after at The Crossroads of his life. He found his brother, Michael, his history in the Legion, and the love of his life, his Evangeline. He has finally arrived at the place he always yearned for—home. But time stops for no one; not even an angel. For years Gabriel has guarded what is most precious to him, Evangeline and their transcendent love story.When the opportunity presents itself in an unexpected way, Gabriel decides to tell his story, and in doing so, answers the riddle of his heart: If life is the journey of years, perhaps love is the journey of a lifetime?

My Review: Have you ever picked up a book and knew the second you picked it up that you would never be the same after reading it? Knowing all other books like it would pale in comparison. That is exactly what Sparrow's way (actually the whole Saving Angels series) did to me. Reading this book and knowing that this love story would with stand the test of time and that no matter what would be thrown at Gabriel and Eva love would always prevail. I have had books that have touched my heart and I have loved several but few have touched my soul like Sparrow's Way. I know that this book and the entire series will forever linger with in me. I can't tell you how many times I laughed and cried through this book as I rode the emotional roller coaster but I can say that Sparrow's way (and the Saving Angels Series) as forever changed how I will view the romance genre. Anne Rose Welch you have a magic to your writing that is truly something unique. The way you are able to write something that can reach out and touch my soul was a true work of art. I can't thank you enough for this series. You truly have something special in you and I hope that it never fades. Sparrows Way is a wonderful book with a truly beautiful story. I encourage everyone to read this the Saving Angels Series I hope that it will touch your soul as it has mine.

I dreamt of you again. We were in an enclosed glass space, the sky a brilliant blue, the clouds as white and transcendent as I had ever seen them. The sky was so bright, I believed it was made of crystals or stars so magical in their home, they competed for the daylight’s time. And they were winning. Enclosed with us a long, clear, cool pool of water. I was sitting on the edge of the pool, watching as you swam underneath the water. You were searching for something. You would dive under and disappear, just to reappear, that grin on your face, to lay clusters of diamonds at my feet.
I watched you do this for quite some time, until I believed you had captured all of those diamonds in the sky. You were giving them to me. Because the sky above had lost its twinkle, its brilliance, it had become ominous, but that mattered none to me. All that I needed was enclosed with me. I yearned for nothing, not even the lost brilliance of the sky. I had you. You took me in your arms, pulling me close, and all that was visible through my dreaming eyes was your eyes staring back at me. They were full of passion, fire, and sparks from the stars you stole from the sky just to lay them at my feet, as though the stars above were nothing but trinkets from a candy machine. You hummed a song for me, “Hard Headed Woman,” and all the raging passion bottled inside of me pulled you close. When our lips touched, it was as though I had found my footing; I had found my past, my future, and my now.
Things seem to be going well. I feel like I have things really down to my own groove. I feel as if I have my own little cooking show and I am killing it. I should have done a comedy. Or better yet, they should give me a cooking show. I’d call it The Dirty Irishmen Does Southern. But I may have gotten carried away. I know it the moment the words leave my mouth. Being as comfortable as I have been, I mention something about this spectacular manwhich having the power to lure Eva into my bed. She gives me the warning glare. “What? Have you ever watched her show? It gets pretty heated. Just yesterday they were discussing the big O,” I say. Her mouth pops open. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Beb!” Eva begins to stir the cabbage, probably because it is about to burn, and as she does I watch her with a smile on my face. I love the way her behind moves. “Don’t let him fool you, boys, if it wasn’t for—” she nods toward my head “—that sandwich would have gotten him nowhere.”
And then I do something no man should ever do, or one who is not well versed in the kitchen should ever do. I get cocky. I use Eva’s fancy mixing machine. Even the crewmen have mashed potatoes in their hair afterward. Eva laughs so hard she starts to cry.
Willie picks on, copying the steady rhythm of the recognizable lyrics. She leans into me, starting to sway, using her right hand to gently tap my leg. I can see how she’s struggling to keep her eyes open. It’s one of the most intense feelings I’ve ever felt. The connection that pulls us to each other is more powerful than gravity, than any worldly need—food, water or sleep, more than breathing even. In her eyes I get the fulfillment of every audience I have ever played for, and every audience I’ve never played for. These are the moments that I will treasure forever. I’ll take them with me when I go. This is the definition of being rich.
My eyes savor every inch of her bare flesh. The gentle sway of her body, the way her waist melts into her rolling, swinging hips. Her body is soft, but firm. Her eyes are full of longing and bright fire. Her stare melts me, like a slow burn. My will drips, drips, drips as she moves into me. “I can’t get you close enough, fast enough,” I breathe. I want to drink her, absorb her, until every pore in my body is overflowing with her. Her tongue tastes like warm, sweet honey. I can never have enough of her this way. Of this I am infinitely positive. Her head tilts backward. Her lips curl in an upward smile of pleasure. Her hair falls around her back, uncovering her breasts. The sweet smell from her bare skin enraptures me. Her hands rush through my hair. She traces the lines of my face; her fingertips seem to float across my skin. “Memorizing you,” she breathes out as her hands make their way to my body, undressing me. I move into her, trembling, dripping with heat. My fingers pulsate and pull against her soft skin and her knees buckle. “When you touch me, you feel like thunder pounding against my skin,” she whispers. I’m careful now—the want needs to grow until it can no longer be controlled. Like a beast being released after years of being caged. The tension builds, causing my soul to stir.

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Meet the Author

annie rose welch

Born and raised in New Orleans, Annie has a habit of shortening her words and telling long stories. She speaks with a southern flair and cooks with it too. At the tender age of twenty- one, she hitched up her wagons (took her first plane ride) and moved out west to the big shake (California). Her writing career began one sleepless night when she imagined a gorgeous woman and a man with maniacal hair floating above her like lightening bugs falling from the sky. Curious about them, their story, and why they were floating around in her head, she sat down and penned (typed) her first novel, Marigny Street. A dream come true for her, she hasn't stopped writing since. She loves a damn good love story, always has, no matter what the genre. She is particularly moved by imperfect love that in its own unique way is perfect, the notion of love at first sight, soul mates, and things that are generally out of the norm. When she's not writing she enjoys dabbling in photography and finding new, inspirational music to add to her collection. She currently (still) resides in the big shake (although her southern roots are calling her home) with her husband, daughter, and their two peculiar dogs, Boudreaux and Tabasco (who, call her crazy, bark with an accent). For lagniappe (a little extra), a virtual cup of café au lait and beignets, please visit Annie's website: She can also be found on Facebook & Twitter.

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