Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Whiskey Lullaby New Cover Reveal

Title: Whiskey Lullaby
Author: Dawn Martin and Emily Minton
Genre: Romance
Pages: 226

Julie Walker thought she found true love with Jase. Until he betrayed her in the worst way, with one of her best friends. Devastated and heartbroken she runs away, leaving behind her family and friends. She starts a new life filled with secrets. When Julie meets Dean, she thinks he is the answer to all her prayers, but Dean isn't who she thinks he is. Jase Gibson is a player. Even when he had the girl of his dreams, he still played. When he lost Julie, his life fell apart. He turned to whiskey and women, to fill the void. But, only Julie will ever make him whole. Nine years later, Julie's back home, but she's not alone. What will happen when all of Julie's secrets are uncovered? Jase vowed that if he ever got her back, he would do right by her and never let her go. Will he let Julie's secret keep them apart? When Julie's ex-husband refuses to be her ex, Jase must choose to help her or hang on to his anger. Jase and Julie have to find a way to give their whiskey lullaby a happy ending.

  Emily and Dawn have given Whiskey Lullaby a facelift! It's got a brand new cover AND when it's rereleased on 9/7 it will be the new extended version!

Broken is the follow up to Whiskey Lullaby!

 Not to mention that it's going to be in a box set with the anticipated follow up Broken and a bonus novella I Hope You Dance. 

Enter to win an  ecopy of Whiskey Lullaby's new edition!

Something About Love Cover Reveal

Title: Something About Love
Author: Elana Johnson
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
Pages: 279

About SOMETHING ABOUT LOVE: High school senior Olivia Winging gave up her love of photography when she gave up her boyfriend, Trevor Youngblood, a year and a half ago. She broke things off with Trevor because her mom married his dad, and dating your step-brother? Creepy.

Livvy hasn't been on good terms with her mother since, and one of her stipulations for staying at the Youngblood’s every other weekend is that Trevor can’t be there. When she gets nominated for the Junior Photography in Excellence award, Trevor insists she enter. She agrees—only if every photo in the portfolio can be of him. Knowing that Livvy can capture a person’s deepest secrets through her lens, Trevor hesitates before accepting the deal.

As Livvy gets behind the lens of her camera again, her love of photography is rekindled. Unfortunately, the time she spends with Trevor also re-ignites the old flame for him she’s kept smothered for so long.

In order for Livvy to finish her portfolio, she’ll have to face her feelings for Trevor as well as deal with the animosity between her and her mother. Livvy’s always been able to capture a person’s soul from behind the camera—but she’s not sure she likes it when the lens is suddenly focused on her. If she can’t find a way to forgive her mother and admit how she feels about Trevor, Livvy may end up losing more than just the photography contest. She could lose her heart. 

Buy Links:

Special Promo: Elevated, Elana’s first verse novel, will be FREE for five days in September as SOMETHING ABOUT LOVE releases! So get your copy of Elevated for free from Monday, September, 15 – Friday, September 19. (Elevated buy link:

Praise for Elana’s first verse novel, Elevated:
“The taut poetry keeps tension high. The plot is deftly paced, as past intrudes on present, like a photograph emerging in developing fluid.” ~San Francisco Book Review

“Every word Johnson writes carries an emotional heft that lifts readers up to the highest happiness and then sends them crashing down to the depths of despair. It is easy to flow from the first word to the last without ever putting down the book. Johnson shows outstanding talent in this form, and her words are beautiful, important and deeply felt.” ~The Deseret News

 About Elana Johnson: Elana Johnson’s work, including Possession, Surrender, Abandon, and Regret, published by Simon Pulse (Simon & Schuster), is available now everywhere books are sold. Her popular ebook, From the Query to the Call, is also available for free download, as well as a Possession short story, Resist

Her self-published novels include two YA contemporary novels-in-verse, Elevated and Something About Love, as well as a YA/NA futuristic fantasy series, which includes Elemental Rush, Elemental Hunger, and Elemental Release.

School teacher by day, Query Ninja by night, you can find her online at her personal blog or Twitter. She also co-founded the Query Tracker blog, and contributes to the League of Extraordinary Writers.

Social Media Links:
League of Extraordinary Writers:
Elana on Goodreads:

Independent publicist, author, teacher, mother, friend
Possession, Surrender and Abandon -- all available from Simon & Schuster!
Digital short stories Regret (only 99 cents) and Resist (free!) round out the trilogy.

My new series: the Elemental series, a YA/NA crossover futuristic fantasy. Start with RUSH (free), continue with HUNGER, and finish withRELEASE (free).

  Elana is doing a Paypal cash giveaway of $15 to help spread the word about SOMETHING ABOUT LOVE.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Broken Road Release Blog Tour

Broken Road - Book 2 in the Breaking Black Series and the sequel to Black Horse

Signed Paperbacks can be ordered from Addison's website!

It is often said that time heals all wounds. It is spoken like a promise... a vow. These words are repeated to people who have been beaten down to their lowest state. To the poor souls who have nothing left to lose. Whispered into the ear of a grieving daughter, told with a shrug to a man who has nothing left to live for.

These are dangerous people.

The down-trodden.
The grieving.
The ones who love more people dead than alive.

The words should never be uttered. Not to the ones who have no solid ground on which to stand upon, no rail in which to clasp. The white-knuckled moments of life have come to be expected rather than feared.

"Time heals all wounds."

The words are an insult. A slap in the face... and around here, they'll get you hurt. For Averi McClain and her husband Colt, there were few deeper insults.

If time could heal all wounds, Jessa McClain would be proud to know that she was going to be a grandmother. Nathan Ford would have proudly walked his little girl down the aisle with Corinne beaming from her seat. Sitting by her side, Anna McCord would wipe a tear from her eye. Standing proudly by Colt and Randy at the arbor, Seth would have stood as a groomsman for his childhood friend. That is, if time truly healed all wounds.

But what about the hurts you cannot see? The deep gashes and the mangled hearts that remain after the brutality of a war. Their childhood was a battlefield. Colt and Averi didn't want that for their own sons and daughters.

What does time to do wounds? Time is nothing but a reminder of how much time has past since you last saw the ones you love most. The line is bullshit. A scape goat. A cheap cop out. It is something people say when they don't know what to say. It's not deep or sympathetic. It doesn't stop the heart from bleeding. Colt would not have a granite wall built around his heart like a fortress. A barrier which only Averi could crack.

Randy's soul would not quake with anger every time he heard mention of Black Horse, his roving band of lunatics, also known as the Seventy Devils, or Jimmy Hearns. You can’t even say the name Trent Myers to him without his sanity flickering out of sight. Tim wouldn't have to fight his anger out at the gym for several hours, five days a week. Shelly's sense of security would be intact and undisturbed. Averi's legs would not be permanently scarred with evidence of Black Horse's fiery insanity.

Time doesn't heal all wounds. Wounds fester. Sometimes the strain and exertion of trying to
get better puts so much stress on the wound that the scab rips open, stitches and scar tissue be damned.

Some wounds cannot be mended.

Some lines are just begging to be crossed.

Some roads are meant to be broken.

As one of Averi's favorite bands so poignantly croons, "God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." In the case of Colt and Averi, no song lyrics could more perfectly describe the road that they have traveled. They have a love like no other, acting as a guiding light, a beacon in a world turned dark by Black Horse. What would you do if the the one man you couldn't live without, was the son of the bastard that murdered your parents and your eldest brother? In the case of Averi Ford, she knew Colt was nothing like his father. He had spent his entire life running from his shadow. He had always been the one to protect Averi, even more so than her ever watchful brothers. You can’t turn away from a love like that.

Theirs was a love that was intensified by pain and longing, desperation and heartache. They faced seemingly insurmountable odds, and continue to do so, side by side. She needed him, not to be her hero, but as her equal and her friend until the end of their days. He needed her, not only physically, but spiritually, emotionally, he had wrapped all his hope in her. His humanity relied on her happiness. If her heart ceased to beat, he would let the darkness overcome him. He wouldn't stop until every single member of the Seventy Devils were dead.

Lord knows Randy and Tim would fight right alongside him. Averi was as essential to Colt as oxygen. Without her, the Colt that she knew and loved would cease to exist. They loved each other despite the odds they faced; in spite of those who said they shouldn't. Averi loved him regardless of his family history, of the stares and gossip, the upturned noses and blatant hostility. When Colt McClain walks into a room, the citizens of Oakely don't see him. They don't see his face or his kind soul. They don't see him at all. They see Black Horse - the man he so closely resembles, but whose hearts are night and day. There is a key difference. There is a gentle warmth to Colt's gaze. A calm depth that if you look deep enough, you can see all the good in him. Look into Black Horse's eyes and you'll see your own demise. When people look Colt's way, they see a murderer, a thief, a snake. They see a man with no soul. But Colt never killed a man that didn't have it coming, and let me tell you, Jimmy Hearns has it coming.

Most motorcycle clubs are not street gangs, but in the case of the Seventy Devils, there was no point in hiding it. The Seventy Devils ran the streets of Oakeley. The Seventy Devils, the band of lawless savages that did Black Horse's bidding, lived on, leaderless and hell bent on anarchy. When the strange circumstances surrounding Black Horse's death went public, Jimmy monopolized. Playing the role of a mourning son, Jimmy earned the respect and the power Texas' most violent motorcycle gang. To say the devils are out for blood is an understatement of epic proportions. The band of sociopathic heathens were rallied by Black Horse's death. It was a call to action, a call to arms, each one of them thirsty to drain the blood from Black Horse's murderer. Each one yearning to display his killer's head on a pike for the whole community to see. If the Seventy Devils were hostile during Black Horse's reign, it was nothing compared to their mental state after Black Horse was found burned, shot and murdered.

A war has erupted. The Seventy Devils are scattered and on alert, gnawing at the bit for the go-ahead to strike. They would not hesitate to spill the blood of anyone who stood in their way of recompense. They knew they would need to act fast if they wanted to come out on top. Colt was not the kind of guy that you slept on. He'd stop at nothing to protect his family and he was lethal whether he was heavily armed or going toe to toe, bare knuckled beat-down style. Colt did have Black Horse's blood coursing through his veins, after all. But then, so did Jimmy, and he is ready to show everyone that the apple didn't fall far from the tree... in fact, they appear to have formed on the same poisoned branch.

As leader of the Devils, Jimmy had seventy miscreants to do his bidding - and three goals in which he needed to achieve:

1.      Avenge Black Horse
2.      Kill Colt McClain and Randy Ford
3.      Take Averi for his own

Jimmy has another thing coming if he thinks victory is easily won. Will Colt and Averi's broken road end in tragedy? Or will they be the ones to banish the devils straight to hell? When the demons of the past rise up, can Colt and Randy face them fearless and determined? Whatever happens, don't expect Colt and Randy to stand alone. Buckle up. The broken road makes for one hell of a ride.

My Review: What a great and powerful book. Broken road will leave you reeling in your seat. I was blown away by the amount of very strong emotions that Broken Road seemed to pull from me. At times it was the story I loved to hate. I could not get enough of this book as it took me through the string of emotions and completely turned me upside down and inside out. Averi and Colt have a love and a bond that will stand the test of time. They are one couple who walked through the firey pits of hell and came out slightly scaved but stronger from the journey. They stole my heart. Averi's brother Randy is one man I would not want to go up against in a battle but he could hold me up against him any day of the week. Randy gets toyed with and stomped on until he is all but lost but the fire of passion runs deep and for Randy he will find out how far he is willing to go to take on forces that have no soul! Jimmy and the Seventy Devils are psychopaths that need to be locked up in the deepest darkest pit that can be made and then throw away the key. I have no compassion for any of them. I truly loved this book and was so drawn into the story that my emotions ran like a roller coaster that felt out of control. Addison Kline writes a very unique and powerful story that will capture you and take you down a Broken Road that will leave you wanting to love and hate all in the same moment. I look forward to reading more by Addison Kline as I have become a hopeless romantic fan of her books. 
Purchase Links: 

Want more Broken Road? Check out these teasers!

To the Broken Road Release Party! 

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Three Little Lies Blog Tour


Presented By:
Sparkle Blog Button

book info

covergifTitle: Three Little Lies
Author: Melissa Wolff
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Thriller
Formats: E-book and Paperback
Publisher: Melissa Wolff
Cover by: Janine Fourie
Editor: Emily Hendricks
Pages: 260 pages
ISNB: 978-1499159882
Date Published: June 4, 2014.


It is the summer of 2012. The sky is blue, the ocean is crisp, and six young women are missing, including Madison Porter.
At the disappearance of her best friend, Amber Swanson falls into a spiral of destruction. She smokes, drinks and gets caught stealing. Her parents don't know what to do with her, so she is sent to live with her half-sister, Rebecca, in Virginia.
Ethan Hunter lives by the saying ‘blood is thicker than water’; even when his mother up and left him. At sixteen, he’s torn between holding on to the only family he has left and forging his own path for the future. He secretly plans his escape from his small, southern town.
The two lives collide and, as Amber puts the pieces of her best friend’s disappearance together, she and Ethan are thrown into a whirlwind of secrets, deceit, and murder.

My Review: I loved this book, it had the bones of a great story! All the elements are there. The characters are awesome and just when you think you have it all figured out boom the element of surprise hits you and you never saw the twist coming! However, I had trouble with the grammatical errors that were in the story far to many for me to ignore and anyone who has read my reviews knows I don't usually call anyone out on these but this time it truly affected the way I had to read the book. Some I did over look but others like the character name change on two pages. I don't like to call anyone out on things wrong but it did affect how I read the story. I truly did love the book once I got past the grammatical stuff. Melissa Wolff has a great structured story and very believable characters and as far as the genre for this book she nails it head on! I would very much so love to read more by Melissa Wolff in the future.

book links

“Amber!” My eyes snapped open and I looked around wildly. Cold sweat beaded my forehead and my hands were shaking. My wooden leg wasn't next to me but my sister and Jacob were. Jacob held crutches and handed them to me as our eyes met.
“Thanks,” I muttered, forgetting for a moment that I didn't like him. “Why are you screaming at me?”
“Because you were screaming yourself,” Rebecca said. “You must have fallen asleep and you started crying out.” I sat up straighter. Not this again I thought. The doctor said the pills would take care of it.
“How bad?” I asked. “What did I say?”
“I couldn't understand you,” Rebecca admitted. “But it sounded pretty bad. Is everything okay?”

Monday, August 18, 2014

Love in the Highlands book tour

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Title:  Highland Honor
Author:   Angela Ashton
Published:  November 3rd, 2013
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Word Count:   119,000
Genre:  Historical Romance
Recommended Age:  17+

Darius MacDuff was at his zenith in the midst of a raging battle. He never expected his home would one day become his most treacherous battlefield…nor would his most lethal opponent come in the form of a shapely siren. Delicious deception, her weapon of choice.
Rival Scottish Clans. An ancient relic. One has possession. The other will stop at nothing to obtain it…
The honorable Clan MacDuff has protected the coveted relic for centuries. When rival Clan MacAlpin discovers the eldest brother of the MacDuff is to take a wife, their scheming materializes in the form of deceit as they kidnap Alick MacDuff’s betrothed and send their sister in her place.
Tegan MacAlpin has no choice but to pretend to want to be bride to her blood enemy. But once inside Castle MacDuff she fears her ability to procure the relic before Darius, Alick’s dangerously handsome and highly suspicious younger brother, discovers her treachery. When all is said and done, will she remain loyal to her clan in hopes of claiming her long-sought freedom, or bend to the bidding of a forbidden nemesis? In the end, it all comes down to a question of honor…

My Review:  This story from the very first grabbed a hold of me and refused to let go! I was completely swept up by the characters and the story itself. I felt as though I had been whisked away to Scotland and I never left my home. As each clan seeks this relic the suspense and thrill of the hunt had my attention and then humor and romance was incorporated and I became a reading fool on a frenzy to discover the truth and what fate awaited those who set out to deceive. I must admit that Darius MacDuff is one fine Scotsman and I would love to see him in his kilt! All I will tell you is that this is one story you will want to read as it has so much going on that it will keep you busy reading and needing to discover answers for yourself. I truly enjoyed the historical aspects of Highland Honor as well as the mystery, suspense, deception, and the romance. I had one wonderful story with my favorite elements all wrapped up in a neat little package that I will revel in for quite awhile!

Excerpt from Highland Honor by Angela Ashton:
Something unmistakably lethal shadowed his eyes. Something only a fool would ignore. His austere gaze could turn rock to ash. What the hell was he about? Alick's laugh lacked any signs of humor. His eyes never left Darius as he addressed her, "Forgive my brother, m'lady. Dari has been far too long painting the bonny moors of Scotland with enemy blood and forgets his manners in the presence of a lady." There was no dismissing the subtle warning underlying his tone, though the smirk that flashed across Darius' face told her he planned to do just that. Tegan dare not look directly at Alick for fear he'd read the horrid fascination in her eyes. Surely he couldn't detest it any more than she. As if she could stop gaping starry-eyed at his wayward brother. If such extraordinary power were within her grasp, it lay dormant beneath a heavy cloak of fear-laced awe. She did, however, make the mistake of looking at the human magnet and flinched at the violent collision. The knowing leer on his face spoke enough volume to stuff a library from floor to rafters with cynical tomes. He'd seen the lust in her eyes as surely as she'd felt the seed take root and fester in her treacherous bosom. He was T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

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About the Author:
As a child award-winning author Angela Ashton pulled anyone that would listen into her world of fantasy. Her love of the written language led to the desire to write her own novel. Her first labor of love, Amulet of Fate, combined her love of Scottish historical, time travel, and paranormal romances. Angela continues to write in an array of genres and has received rave reviews for her works. Happy to teeter between two worlds, she lives in the Midwest with her family and personal petting zoo by day…slipping into the enchanted land of tall, dark and handsome by night!
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Title:  Dreams in Green
Author:   K. D. Fisk
Published:  March 2012
Publisher:  Champagne Book Group
Word Count:   54,000
Genre:  Historical Romance
Content Warning:  PG-13

With the death of her father, Lenna Keith is trapped between a king’s command and a land hungry guardian. Her luck improves none as she flees and winds up at the mercy of the Gunns, the very clan seeking to destroy her family, but, looking into the eyes of their Laird, her heart rebels at the thought that this man is her adversary.
Alax Gunn is intrigued by this spirited woman but mostly by the fact that she mirrors someone who has haunted him since youth. Curiosity and mistrust turn to attraction and desire, but swiftly she becomes so much more to him. What all will he sacrifice to keep Lenna safe and in his arms? Will a love between two destined enemies bring an end to a feud or to two ancient clans of Scotland?

My Review: Holy spirits! I am in love! Dreams in Green stole my heart and attention in the first paragraph. I am hooked and I don't want to be cast away. This story has so many elements to it that there is no possibility of becoming bored. The historical  aspects alone fascinated me but then K. D. Fisk threw in ghosts and mystery with a few elements of surprise and made this story a complete home run for me.The characters were so well written they came to life for me with each turn of the page they stole my heart. I began to feel Lenna's frustration as well as her hopes and dreams. Alax is a beautiful, strong character whose heart and head are so focused on his haunting dream that he completely captured my soul leaving me hoping that he finds the answers he needs and can capture the heart and soul of Lenna before it's too late. I became so enthralled with this book that I lost all sense of time. I truly hope that K. D. Fisk will write more about Lenna and Alax as I would love to know more about them! 

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Excerpt from Dreams in Green by K. D. Fisk:
She let out what may have been meant to be a harsh laugh. “I should have taken you up on your offer of whiskey.” A tense, tight pain lodged in his chest. “It’s an open offer, lass. Take some now.” She shook her head. “After. Please. The water.” He secured the basin in her unsteady hands. She poured slowly over the wound. Old blood washed away and new came in its place. She set the water aside then bent her knee. A sharp cry escaped. He pressed the fresh bandages into her hand, and with eyes tightly shut, she began to wrap. Around and around she wrapped until no new blood showed through. Finally, she tied it off and collapsed back down on the bed. Eventually, a relieved smile blessed her pale, tense features. Streaks from tears ran down her cheeks. When had they fallen? Alax hadn’t seen her shed a one. She looked like an exhausted angel, one who’d taken a long tumble. He picked up the basin and knife, setting them aside. He reached to get a spare scrap she’d not used. Her soft hand stopped atop his. “Thank you.” He froze, not daring to move. “For what?” She slowly scooted down more until her head touched the pillow. “For helping me.” He covered her hand with his other. “Lass, an errand boy could have done what I did. " She carefully shook her head. “No, only you.” He watched her eyes begin to close. Her breathing slowed. A worry suddenly shivered through him. He caressed her knuckles then laid that hand on her chest. “Lenna?” Her name rolled off his tongue like song. Her eyes fluttered open. “Aye?” Her silky voice was just above a whisper. Alax cleared his throat. “No matter what you’re running from, you’re safe with me.” That soft smile started then she gave a slight nod, her eyelids lowering again. Her mouth began moving and he leaned closer to hear her whispered words. “…live to see the day, a Gunn could be so kind.” He felt the corners of his mouth turn up. Cheeky lass, even bone weary and half asleep, she sassed. His lips flattened and he sat back straight. Could that saucy tongue be why she’d been beaten? He knew women could be killed for less. The thought of how she’d gotten her bruises, the marks on her arm ran his blood cold. He was drawn to wipe loose strands of hair from her face. “You’re safe here, Hellenna inghean William, but who are you hiding from?”
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About the Author:
Dreams in Green is my first published novel. I’ve always loved the written word, stories and history. I live in Missouri with my soulmate, two overgrown puppies, two insane cats, and a small herd of guinea pigs. My writing has only just begun; the adventure of stories is my never ending addiction.
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Title:  Highland Promise
Series:  Sisters by Choice #2
Author:  Mary McCall
Published:  January 2012
Publisher:   Champagne Book Group
Word Count: 107,000
Genre:  Historical Romance
Recommended Age:  16+ 

Ordered by King Alexander to wed an Englishwoman, Laird Brendan Sutherland heads to England to find and wed the sister of his best friend’s wife to settle a debt. He intends to beget a few heirs and forget the lass. He has no use for love, and among his clanswomen, he is known as Stoneheart.
After being falsely accused of the Sin of Eve when she was twelve, Lady Faith of Hawkhurst hides her beauty beneath a hideous disguise. Due to a despicable penance given by a zealot priest, she believes she must enter a convent and live a life of penance or suffer perpetual damnation.
Learning her brother intends to ambush an approaching Highland party, Faith intercepts Brendan and his men and asks their aid in reaching the convent at Saint Bride. Brendan quickly sees through her disguise. Realizing she’s the woman he promised to wed, he agrees to take her with him when he goes home. After a court scandal, King Henry orders them to wed. Faith fears Brendan will never trust her when he learns of her deception. As they return to the Highlands with a killer on their trail, Brendan discovers he can’t remain aloof from the woman destined to restore his faith in love.

My Review: I must admit that I was a little put off by elements of this book. Lady Faith was almost on the side of irritating and the disguise element lasted a little to long for me however, I was able to put these thoughts aside and found myself almost spell bound by the rest of the book. I needed to know if Brenden could ever find himself wrapped up in love or if he would walk away from it. The romance in Highland Promise took my breath away there was something almost magical about it. I truly did enjoy the story for the most part and I am glad that I read it. I would like to read more from Mary McCall and become more acquainted with her style of writing. 

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Excerpt from Highland Promise by Mary McCall:
Falsely accused of the Sin of Eve at age twelve, Lady Faith of Hawkhurst hides her beauty beneath a hideous disguise and seeks help from a Highlander passing through her brother’s land. Laird Brendan Sutherland realizes she’s disguised but wants a good look at her, realizing Faith is the woman he promised his best friend’s wife he would marry if he could find her. After a court scandal, King Henry orders them wed, and Faith fears Brendan will never trust her when he learns of her deception; but they have bigger problems with a killer following them home to the Highlands.
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About the Author:
Best-selling Historical Romance author Mary McCall has been telling stories all her life. Now she writes humorous and adventurous historical romances set mainly in the medieval Highlands and England. She is a member of Romance Writers of America; Founding President of Hearts Through History Romance Writers; member of Celtic Hearts Romance Writers; member of The Golden Network; member of River City Romance Writer; member of Faith, Hope & Love, Inc.; and member of Savvy Authors and member of Fiction Christian Writers Association. She loves history, has a particular fondness for the Greek through Medieval periods, and is glad research for her books has finally utilized her ability to speak Latin. Weaving Celtic lore with Arthurian legend, Greco-Roman myths and fun characters makes her current project fun and exciting. She resides in Memphis, Tennessee with her Maltese, Regina Catriona, who runs the apartment.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • Three lucky winners will each receive one eBook from Champagne Book Group, publisher’s choice.
Giveaway is International.

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