Friday, October 9, 2015

Empath Trilogy Review Blast

Empath Trilogy # 1
By- H.K. Savage
Genre- YA Paranormal Romance

All she wanted was to disappear…

Claire Martin is an empath. She’s lived her entire life as a slave to a constant barrage of emotions that weren't hers. Off to college, she hopes simply to blend with the crowd where she can best hide her curse. Within her first few weeks at school Claire meets Stephen Andrews, a small, fragile looking boy who changes her life forever. 

Stephen, a boy with a secret of his own, instantly recognizes Claire for what she is. It is through Stephen's aid that Claire meets James, a vampire with a talent of his own. As soon as they touch, their abilities connect in a way that has not occurred in over three hundred years forming a bond that cannot be broken.


My Review: This story at first was a little hard to get into but I kept reading as I felt as though there was something or someone pulling me in. I am so glad I did. Empath is absolutely a head spinning heart wrenching book. I found myself feeling Claire's frustration for a normal life but knew that wasn't her path. Stephen was exactly were he needed to be and at the time he needed to be there. When he helps Claire meet James that's when I knew Claire's path started to make sense for me. I was thrilled with the twists and turns that took place in this book and can honestly say I am looking forward to the rest of the trilogy.

Empath Trilogy #2
By- H.K. Savage
Genre- YA Paranormal Romance

The bad guys are licking their wounds leaving Claire and James to enjoy what promises to be a merry Christmas. Until a traitor among them delivers Stephen and Claire into enemy hands.

Past lovers, obligations and rivalries compete, all the while the bond between Claire and James grows and Claire is pulled further toward the vampire side. James is growing dependent upon her to feed his humanity, and the boundary that separates them is no longer clear.

A potential husband and a job working for the Court threaten to take Claire's newfound control over her life from her and stick her firmly under someone else's thumb. She must try to keep her wits about herself enough to figure out what she wants before the ability to decide is gone forever, and try not to get any of her loved ones killed in the process.

My Review: Bonded had me in it's grasps from the start. As the Claire and James' bond became more intense it had me wanting to know more about how there story would play out. Then a slight twist was added and that's when the fight was on and I was left sitting on the edge of my seat waiting and needing to know who would be left standing when the mist cleared. I loved how the paranormal strength in this book deepened the further into it I got. Now I am left hoping that book three has the answers I seek.

Empath Trilogy #3
By- H.K. Savage
Genre-YA Paranormal Romance

Paris, everyone is together and forgets for one night about the looming threat of war between the races for a wedding. But no sooner are their vows exchanged than the newlyweds are called upon to serve the Court.

Stateside, an old photograph turns up with a member of the vampire's Court and several other men linked to an organization called Nightshade Holdings, LLC. More digging reveals how deep Nightshade's influence extends and just how deeply the Court itself is involved in the plot to start an interspecies war.

Love is found, old friends die and a greater enemy than any thought possible is revealed. It will take everything for the clan and the vampires to stop the war before it is too late.

My Review: Secrets a title well played! As romance comes full circle a darkness blooms and threatens the very soul of this book. A war is about to implode and an evil like any other is leading the pack. As answers were sought questions replaced darkness invades in hopes that light of a sort can save the coming days. I found that this book opens it pages to the answers I needed as I pleaded for a triumph where one may not expect it to be found. This where I will leave you telling you all answers are found so give this series a chance I'm sure your thoughts will be turned around!


About the Author-
HK lives in the frozen hinterlands of the far North.  The long, cold months provide ample opportunity to hunker down with her computer and create adventures far more enticing than scraping ice and getting frostbite.

Between books HK reads voraciously.  Anything with a good plot and compelling characters are her broad parameters.  One is as likely to catch her with a copy of Don Quixote as with the latest Kristen Ashley.

When not writing or wowing the corporate world by day, HK practices martial arts, plays with her dogs and matches wits with her teen. Next winter she intends to brush up on her Spanish and escape the cold for somewhere more tropical.


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